標題: GPRM: a genetic programming approach to finding common RNA secondary structure elements
作者: Hu, YJ
Department of Computer Science
公開日期: 1-七月-2003
摘要: RNA molecules play an important role in many biological activities. Knowing its secondary structure can help us better understand the molecule's ability to function. The methods for RNA structure determination have traditionally been implemented through biochemical, biophysical and phylogenetic analyses. As the advance of computer technology, an increasing number of computational approaches have recently been developed. They have different goals and apply various algorithms. For example, some focus on secondary structure prediction for a single sequence; some aim at finding a global alignment of multiple sequences. Some predict the structure based on free energy minimization; some make comparative sequence analyses to determine the structure. In this paper, we describe how to correctly use GPRM, a genetic programming approach to finding common secondary structure elements in a set of unaligned coregulated or homologous RNA sequences. GPRM can be accessed at http://bioinfo.cis.nctu.edu.tw/service/gprm/.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkg521
ISSN: 0305-1048
DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkg521
Volume: 31
Issue: 13
起始頁: 3446
結束頁: 3449


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