Graph Crossover

Al Globus, CSC at NASA Ames Research Center
Sean Atsatt, Sierra Imaging, Inc.
John Lawton, University of California at Santa Cruz
Todd Wipke, University of California at Santa Cruz


Most genetic algorithms use string or tree representations. To apply genetic algorithms to graphs, a good crossover operator is necessary. We have developed a general-purpose, novel crossover operator for directed and undirected graphs, and used this operator to evolve molecules and circuits. Unlike strings or trees, a single point in the representation cannot divide every possible graph into two parts, because graphs may contain cycles. Thus, the crossover operator is non-trivial. A steady-state, tournament selection genetic algorithm code (JavaGenes) was used test the graph crossover operator. JavaGenes has successfully evolved pharmaceutical drug molecules and simple digital circuits. For example, morphine, cholesterol, and diazepam were successfully evolved by 30-60% of runs within 10,000 generations using a population of 1000 molecules. Since representation strongly affects genetic algorithm performance, adding graphs to the evolutionary programmer's bag-of-tricks should be beneficial. Also, since graph evolution operates directly on the phenotype, genotype to phenotype decoding is eliminated.


Genetic algorithms have been usefully applied to two data structures, strings and trees. One might ask: "Can the same techniques may be usefully extended to other data structures; for example, graphs?" Graph mutation operators are fairly obvious and easy to implement. JavaGenes implements several graph mutation operators (add vertex, add edge, change vertex, change edge, etc.), but these are not the focus of this paper. Crossover is easy to implement for strings and trees because these data structures can be divided into two pieces at any point. Graph crossover can be accomplished by breaking edges. However, graph crossover is complex because: The primary contribution of this paper is to introduce a new graph crossover operator that: Our graph crossover operator was applied to evolving pharmaceutical drug molecules and simple digital circuits. Molecules were represented as a set of atoms (vertices) connected by a set of bonds (edges). Digital circuits were represented as a set of devices (vertices) connected by a set of wires (edges). Tree representations have been used to evolve molecules and circuits. However, many molecules and circuits contain cycles; which chemists call rings. Therefore, any attempt to use genetic programming to design molecules and circuits must have a mechanism to evolve cycles. This is non-trivial when crossover can replace any sub-tree with some other random sub-tree. Previous work as either limited the class of cyclic structures that can be evolved or used mutation to evolve cycles.

Previous work

[Weininger 1995] patented genetic algorithms for molecular design, and used the standard graph representation of a molecule in the crossover operator. The patent describes the straightforward and obvious parts of mapping genetic algorithm techniques to graph-based molecular design, and the non-obvious portions: the crossover algorithm and fitness functions. The crossover algorithm described in the patent depends on two parameters: a digestion rate, which breaks bonds, and a dominance rate, which controls how many parts of each parent appear in a child. As described by the text and figure 7 in the patent, [Weininger 1995]'s crossover algorithm removes random bonds from parents according a "digestion rate" to create fragments, and does not connect the fragments from both parents with new bonds when forming children. A "dominance rate" determines how many fragments of each parent are placed in the child, which can obviously lead to disconnected children. When restricted to generating connected children (covalently bound molecules), [Weininger 1995]'s crossover operator generates a child that is simply a fragment of one parent, so in this case the operation is not really crossover at all, but rather a form of mutation. [Weininger 1995] uses the Tanimoto index (described below) as a distance measure for a number of fitness functions. Daylight Chemical Information Systems, Inc., which holds the patent, reports using genetic algorithm techniques to discover lead compounds for pharmaceutical drug development and other commercial successes.

Circuit design is another field for which genetic algorithms using a graph representation should, in principle, be well suited. Genetic algorithms using a variable length string representation [Lohn  and Colombano1998] and a tree representation [Koza 1997] [Koza 1999] have been used to design analog circuits. In each case, a language capable of generating a subset of the analog circuits compatible with the SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis) simulator [Quarles, et al. 1994] was developed. In particular, the class of cycles that can be generated is limited. The tree representation was used to design a lowpass filter, a crossover filter, a four-way source identification circuit, a cube root circuit, a time-optimal controller circuit, a 100 dB amplifier, a temperature-sensing circuit, and a voltage reference source circuit. Thus, genetic algorithms can design graph-structured systems, albeit with some limitations.

[Nachbar 1998] used genetic programming to evolve molecules for drug design by sidestepping the crossover/cycles problem and representing molecules with trees. Each tree node represented an atom with bonds to the parent-node atom and each child-node atom. Hydrogen atoms were explicitly represented and were always leaf nodes. Rings were represented by numbering certain atoms and allowing a reference to that number to be a leaf node. Crossover was constrained not to break or form rings. Ring evolution was enabled by specific ring opening and closing mutation operators.

[Teller 1998] reported developing a graph crossover algorithm as part of his dissertation at Carnegie Mellon University, but supplied few details. This technique was applied to Neural Programming, a system developed by Teller to combine neural nets and genetic programming.

[Globus, et al. 1999] reported results evolving pharmaceutical drug molecules with the crossover operator discussed in this paper. The crossover operator was only capable of operating on undirected graphs, not the directed graphs required for circuits. Furthermore, after publication, a bug was discovered that severely limited cycle evolution. [Globus, et al. 1999] reported adequate performance evolving small molecules but poor results evolving larger molecules with more complex cycle structures; as might be expected in hindsight. The present paper reports results evolving the same molecules with the corrected operator as well as results on undirected graphs representing digital circuits. The molecular results are significantly better. See the Results section for details.


Genetic Algorithm with Graph Representation


One approach to drug design is to find molecules similar to good drugs. Ideally, a candidate replacement drug is sufficiently similar to have the same beneficial effect, but is different enough to avoid negative side effects. To use genetic algorithms for similarity-based drug discovery, we need a good similarity measure that can score any molecule. [Carhart, et al. 1985] defined such a similarity measure, all-atom-pairs-shortest-path, and searched a large database for molecules similar to diazepam. We used this similarity measure to evolve a population of molecules towards a target molecule.

JavaGenes uses undirected graphs to represent molecules. Vertices are typed by atomic element. Edges can be single, double, or triple bonds. Valence is enforced. Heavy atoms (non-hydrogen atoms) are explicitly represented by vertices, but hydrogen atoms are implicit; i.e., any heavy atom with an unfilled valence is assumed to be bonded to hydrogen atoms, but these are not represented in the data structure. Enforcing valence and ignoring hydrogen reduces the size of the search space.

Each individual in the initial population was generated by the following algorithm:

  1. atoms = random number between half and twice the number in the target molecule
  2. rings = random number between half and twice the number in the target molecule
  3. while (true)
    1. for some number of tries
      1. choose first atom at random
      2. for atoms-1
        1. if possible, add random atom bonded (with random bond) to a random existing atom, respecting valence
      3. for number of rings
        1. if possible, add random bond between two randomly chosen atoms, respecting valence
      4. if molecule has correct number of atoms and rings, return molecule
    2. rings--
The random atoms were chosen with equal probability from the elements in the target molecule. Thus, the initial population of a run searching for cholesterol would have roughly equal numbers of carbon and oxygen atoms. The random bonds (single, double, or triple) were chosen with equal probability from the bond types in the target molecule. The last step (rings--) is necessary because it is possible to run out of empty valence before molecular construction is complete. Consider the case where the first atom is chlorine. If the second atom is also chlorine, the two chlorine atoms must share a single bond and the valence of both atoms will be filled, so no additional atoms may be added. If the random generation algorithm fails to make a molecule with the proper number of atoms and rings, then the algorithm tries again. Some choices of "atoms" and "rings" require a molecule with more rings than is possible given the number of atoms. Consider searching for cubane. If atoms = 4 and rings = 16, it is impossible to build a molecule that matches the specification. Therefore, after trying to generate a molecule several times, the algorithm will reduce the number of required rings by one and try again. Since all of the target molecules contain at least one element with a valence of two or more, there is no hard limit to the number of atoms that may be in a molecule.

The number of rings, by our definition, is always equal to bonds – atoms + 1.  For this definition, single, double, and triple bonds are counted as one bond each. This formula corresponds to the following unambiguous definition of the rings in a molecule taken from [Corey and Wipke1969]. In this definition:

  1. the set of all rings must include all the bonds participating in any ring,
  2. removing any ring will result in at least one bond not being included in any ring,
  3. no ring may share more than half its bonds with any other ring,
  4. and the set of rings chosen must be at least as large as any other set of rings with the first three properties.
While this definition is precise and easy to code, it comes to the interesting conclusion that cubane (a cubic molecule) has five rings, not six. Consider the six sides of cubane to be the six rings in the set of rings.  If any one of the six rings is removed from the set of rings, all bonds are still included in the set of rings violating property #2. Therefore, only five rings are necessary to meet the definition.

Tournament selection was used to choose parents for a steady state genetic algorithm. Individuals to replace were also chosen by tournament, but the worst individual was selected for replacement. By convention, after population-size individuals have been replaced, we say that one generation is complete. Since we're interested in the properties of the crossover operator, for this study JavaGenes evolved populations using crossover only with no mutation.

To divide a molecule into two fragments we use the following procedure:

  1. Choose an initial random bond
  2. Repeat
    1. Find the shortest path between the initial bond's vertices (the first time this will simply be the initial bond).
    2. Remove and remember a random bond from this path. These bonds are called "broken edges."
  3. Until a cut set is found, i.e., no path exists between the initial bond's vertices.
To combine fragments we use the following procedure:
  1. Repeat
    1. Select a random broken edge. Determine which fragment it is associated with.
    2. If at least one broken edge in other fragment exists
      1. choose one at random
      2. merge the broken edges into one bond; respecting valence by reducing the order of the bond if necessary
    3. Else flip coin (this step was disabled by a bug in [Globus, et al. 1999])
      1. if heads -- attach the broken edge to a random atom in other fragment (respecting valence)
      2. if tails -- discard the broken edge
  2. Until each broken edge has been processed exactly once
 Graph Crossover of Butane and Benzene to Create a Child

Butane and benzene are divided at random points. Then a  fragment of butane and a fragment of benzene are combined. Note that benzene must be cut in two places. Also, during fragment combination the benzene fragment has more than one broken edge. A random choice is made to connect this extra broken edge to a random atom in the butane fragment. Alternatively, the extra broken edge could have been discarded.

Forming Fused Cycles and Cages with Crossover

Graph crossover can generate fused cycles and cages. The "flip coin" step of the crossover algorithm is crucial to this functionality.

Our crossover operator can open and close rings using crossover alone, and can even generate cages and higher dimensional graph structures as long as there are rings in the population. If there are no rings in a population, none can be generated. Also, once a population consists entirely of two-atom molecules, no molecules with more than two atoms can be generated. Nonetheless, this crossover operator is the most general of those we examined or found in the literature. In particular, unlike [Nachbar 1998], no special-purpose ring opening and closing operators are necessary. Unlike [Weininger 1995], no parameters are necessary and disconnected "molecules" are never produced.

Digital Logic

JavaGenes uses directed cyclic graphs to represent circuits. In other words, each vertex has a set of input edges and a set of output edges, and each edge has an input vertex and an output vertex. Each vertex and edge has a current state (usually 0 or 1). Vertices are the digital devices And, Nand, Or, Nor, Xor, and Nxor. The initial value of a device may be 0 or 1. The initial value of wires is X (unknown). Each device can have any number (including zero) of input and output edges.  If there are no input edges, And, Or, and Xor output 0, and Nand, Nor, and Nxor output 1. If there is one input edge, it is copied to output or inverted for Nand, Nor, and Nxor vertices. If there are two or more input edges: For the devices whose names start with N and have two or more input edges, the output is inverted (0 becames 1, 1 becomes 0). This scheme allows vertices to have any number of input and output edges, thereby simplifying the crossover operator substantially. Any circuit represented this way can be easily mapped to a circuit restricted to two and three terminal devices plus fan out.

There are two special vertices in each circuit: input and output. The input vertex does no processing, but simply accepts values from a simulator and outputs those values to all output edges. No input edges are allowed. The output vertex is a digital device like the others, but has no output edges. The output vertex hands output values to a simulator.

Each individual in the initial population was generated by choosing a random number of vertices and edges where the numbers fell within upper and lower bounds set by input parameters. Vertex types were randomly chosen from all possible types. The circuits were created as follows:

  1. Input and output vertices were created
  2. The rest of the vertices were added one at a time by attaching one output edge to the input of a vertex already in the circuit.
  3. An output edge from the input vertex was connected to a random vertex.
  4. Edges were added at random to create the required number of cycles.
Because edges were directed and there were two special vertices in each circuit (the input and output vertices), the crossover algorithm was somewhat different than for molecules. During division, instead of choosing a random edge and cutting random edges from paths connecting the vertices of the chosen edge, the input and output vertices were chosen and edges on paths between them were broken until the graph divided into two parts. This guaranteed that each fragment had exactly one input or one output vertex, but never both. Obviously, only fragments containing an input vertex were combined with fragments containing an output vertex, and vice versa. Furthermore, during combination, broken edges with the output vertex removed were only merged with broken edges where the input vertex was removed, and vice versa.

This modified crossover operator has the interesting property that, under certain rare conditions, a disconnected circuit can be created. This anomaly requires multiple generations to occur, and is caused by the fact that the edges are directed. While we have not collected data, the anomaly appears to occur only once every few thousand crossover operations. When this occured, we simply discarded the child.

Evolving a Disconnected Circuit

This sequence of evolutionary events results in a disconnected directed graph. Fortunately, this occurs rarely. The key event comes in the second generation when the left-hand individual is broken into fragments.  One fragment contains an input vertex and a single broken edge that can only be attached to an output edge of a vertex. Such a fragment can not always be attached to a fragment containing an output vertex.

Fitness Functions

Molecules: all-pairs-shortest-path similarity

For our initial studies we wanted a fitness function that only required the graph of a molecule, not the xyz coordinates of each atom.This simplified initial studies and avoided minimizing the energy of the structure of candidate molecules, a CPU intensive step. The all-atoms-pairs-shortest-path similarity test chosen [Carhart, et al. 1985] is a robust graph-only fitness function. The fitness function algorithm was as follows:
  1. Each atom is given an extended type consisting of a tuple containing the atomic-element and the number of single, double, and triple bonds the atom participates in. For example, the carbon in carbon dioxide is represented by the tuple (C,0,2,0). The C indicates that the atom is carbon. The zeros indicate that the atom participates in no single or triple bonds. The 2 indicates that the atom participates in two double bonds.
  2. The shortest path between each pair of atoms is found.
  3. A bag is constructed with one set-element for each atom pair. A bag is a set that may contain duplicate set-elements. Each set-element in the bag is a tuple consisting of  the sorted extended types of the two atoms and the length of the shortest path between them. For example, the set-element representing the carbon and one oxygen in carbon dioxide would be represented by: ((C,0,2,0),(O,0,1,0),1). The first two parts of the tuple are the extended types (also tuples) of the atoms. The 1 is the length of the path between them.
  4. The fitness of each candidate molecule is the distance between its bag and the similarly constructed bag of a target molecule. The distance measure used is the Tanimoto index. This is:
|c intersection t| /  |c union t|
where c is the candidate's bag and t is the target's bag. Two elements are considered identical for the purpose of the intersection and union operators if the atoms have the same extended types and the distance between them is the same. Each duplicate in the bag is considered a separate set-element for the purpose of the intersection and union operators. The Tanimoto index always returns a number between 0 and 1. We prefer fitness functions that return lower numbers for fitter individuals, so we subtract the Tanimoto index from one to get the fitness.
The fitness function can not only find similar molecules, which is useful in drug design, but can also lead evolution to the exact molecule used as the target. This can prove that the algorithm can find particular molecules. In addition, the number of generations to find the target provides a crude quantitative measure of performance.

Digital Logic

For digital logic circuit evolution, we attempted to evolve correct 15-step delay, parity, and one-bit add serial circuits. By "serial circuit" we mean that only one bit is input and output at each time step. The fitness of a circuit was the percentage of wrong output bits generated when processing 100 random input bits. Thus, a score of zero indicated a perfect circuit and a score of one a totally incorrect circuit. The circuits were simulated by assuming that every device (vertex) and wire (edge) required unit processing time . While this is not particularly realistic, it is easy and quick to implement and is sufficient to exercise the directed graph crossover operator. No attempt was made to generate optimal circuits, a task of greater interest to the digital hardware community.

Some initial runs ran out of memory when the circuits became extremely large. To reward parsimony, a fitness penalty of one percent was assessed against a circuit for each additional edge or vertex the circuit grew above a certain size. The penalty-free size was chosen to be well above that necessary to create the circuit.

Experimental Setup

All computational experiments were run using the Condor cycle-scavaging batch system [Litzkow, et al. 1988] managing approximately 150 SGI workstations at
NASA's NAS supercomputer center [Globus, et al. 2000]. Condor watches a "pool" of desktop workstations. When a workstation appears to be unused, Condor
will match a waiting job with the workstation. Jobs are removed from workstations when a keystroke or mouse motion is detected. Each genetic algorithm run was a single Condor job.


To see if JavaGenes could find molecules of interest, we tried to find the following targets:
  1. benzene  (C6H6) a simple ring molecule.
  2. cubane (C8H8) a cage molecule.
  3. purine (C5H4N4)  fused rings and heteroatoms.
  4. diazepam (C16H13ClN2O) used in [Carhart, et al. 1985].
  5. morphine (C17H19NO3) Dr. Wipke's group has worked on morphine analog design for many years.
  6. cholesterol (C27H46O) a non-drug molecule.
 Stereochemistry and hydrogens are left out of the molecular diagrams since JavaGenes does not believe in them.

Digital Logic

We attempted to evolve thee different serial circuits:


31 runs (each run is one execution of JavaGenes) with identical input parameters (except the random number seed) were conducted for each experiment. The number of generations and population sizes were varied. Once the target was found, runs stopped. Runs also stopped after a fixed, maximum number of generations. We use the number of generations to find a perfect individual as a performance measure. Combined with the population size, this provides a quantitative measure of performance, although the precise values should not be taken too seriously. Even with 31 runs per experiment, variation between experiments with identical input parameters (other than the random number seed) was observed (see the comparison of purine and diazepam runs below).  We display the results as line graphs where the horizontal axis is generations and the vertical axis is the percent of runs that had found a perfect individual. Thus, all curves will be monotonically increasing. Rapidly rising curves indicate that the target was found quickly.  Curves that do not reach 100% indicate that not all runs found the target.

Finding Small Molecules

First we examine JavaGenes performance searching for three small molecules using a population size of 25 and a maximum of 1,000 generations:

Finding Benzene, Cubane, and Purine

Note that two benzene jobs did not find the target at all, even though benzene was usually found in just a few generations. The runs that could not find benzene lost all of the cycles in the population in the first generation created by crossover.  When a population consists entirely of non-cyclic molecules, the crossover operator can not generate cycles.

Finding Larger Molecules

Now we examine JavaGenes performance searching for three larger molecules using a population of 500 and a maximum of 5,000 generations.

Finding Diazepam, Morphine, and Cholesterol

Although each run consisted of 31 jobs, only ten runs found diazepam and cholesterol, and only seven runs found morphine. Note that JavaGenes performance is much poorer on these larger molecules. Presumably, this is because the size of the space-of-all-molecules explodes combinatorially as molecule size increases. We also noticed that some populations lost all of the rare elements in the target. For example, diazepam has only one chlorine and one oxygen atom. Several of the diazepam jobs lost all of one these elements from the population and were forever doomed. Interestingly, runs that lost all oxygen and/or chlorine from the population did so within about 400 generations. Using vertex mutation should avoid this situation, but this paper is concerned with the properties of the crossover operator.

Now we examine JavaGenes performance searching for the same three molecules using a population of 1,000 and a maximum of 10,000 generations.

Finding Larger Molecules with a Larger Population

Performance is improved with a larger population and more generations, but 20 runs still failed to find diazepam, 17 couldn't find morphine, and 12 failed to find cholesterol.

Effects of Population Size

We now examine the effects of population size by showing the results of searching for purine with a population size of 25, 50, and 100:

Finding Purine With Different Population Sizes

As expected, increasing the population size improves performace.

Variability Between Runs

To investigate variability, we ran five experiments of 31 runs each looking for purine using identical parameters (except random number seeds).  Population size was 100.

Identical Experiments Finding Purine

The variability between experiments is quite small for this molcular target.  Most of the difference appears in the last two or three runs to find purine from each experiment. To see if variablity was different with a more difficult target, we compare two experiments searching for diazepam using a population size of 500 and a maximum of 5,000 generations:

Identical Experiments Finding Diazepam

Note that although each run consisted of 31 jobs, only 7 and 10 runs, respectively, were able to find diazepam in 5,000 generations.  Nonetheless, although one experiment clearly out-performed the other, the results of the two experiments are roughly comparable.

Finding Circuits

JavaGenes was able to successfully find the small circuits that implement delay and parity functions. We compare results finding parity using a population of 600 and finding delay with populations of 200 and 600.  In all cases, the maximum number of generations was 5,000:

Finding Circuits

Note that only 22-24 (out of 31) runs succeeded in finding a proper circuit in each experiment. Results are very similar for most of the successful runs with substantial variability only for the worst performing runs that succeeded. In spite of many attempts, we were never able to evolve a perfect 1-bit add circuit. The source of the problem is unclear, although it may be that the crossover operator does not preserve useful sub-graphs very often.

Progress of a Run

This figure shows the fitness of the best individual for each of 31 runs searching for morphine.  Population size was 500 and the maximum number of generations allowed was 5,000. Each data point was 10 generations apart. In other words, fitness data were collected from the population every 10 generations.

31 Runs Searching for Morphine

The initial random populations all had a best individual fitness near 0.9 which quickly inproved to around 0.25.  Most runs then leveled off with long periods of no improvement, occasionally punctuated by sudden bursts of increasing fitness.  Notice that morphine was often found even when the previous best fitness was quite poor, as evidenced by the long verticle lines ending at the x-axis.  This indicates that fitness improved very rapidly over the course of a few tens of generations.

We now examine the mean fitness of each run in the same experiment:

The mean fitness of each run dropped rapidly from about 0.96 to somewhere near 0.6 and stayed there with only very minor improvement. This may be caused by the extremely destructive nature of the crossover operator, which can be expected to generate many very unfit children from fit parents. Eery generated child was placed back into the fixed-size population, and there was no guarantee that the individual replaced had lower fitness than the child. It might be interesting to develop a procedure that rarely replaces individuals if the child has worse fitness. One might expect the average fitness to continue to improve as evolution proceeds.

Effect of the "Coin Flip" Step

As mentioned before, [Globus, et al. 1999] provided results from the crossover algorithm, but with a bug that effectively eliminated the "flip coin" step in fragment combination. The results discussed above used code with additional modifications beyond the bug fix, primarily in the way that the initial population was generated.  Table 1 compares performance before and after the bug fix, with no other code modifications. Input parameters were identical except for the number of runs per experiment and the random number seeds for each run.  The numbers in parentheses refer to results from  [Globus, et. al 1999].

Table 1: Finding Small Molecules With and (Without) "Coin Flip" Step

31 runs for 
each molecule
(20 with bug)
Population size Median generations to find target Minimum generations to find target Number of runs that failed to find target
Maximum generations
100 (200)
3 (39.5)
0 (2)
0 (8)
10 (1000)
20 (46.5)
4 (13)
0 (0)
38 (245)
6 (19)
0 (4)

NR = not recorded. Because of run-to-run variability, and because many runs did not complete, median, rather than mean, generations to find the target is used, a procedure suggested by [Claerbout  and Muir 1973].

Diazepam, morphine, and cholesterol were never found more than once each in [Globus, et al. 1999]. The difference in results before and after the bug fix show the importance of the "coin flip" step.

Comparison with Random Search

To see if our crossover operator was better than random search, we searched for purine under three conditions: crossover alone, generating random molecules using the same algorithm as for the initial population (random search), and a 50-50 mix of crossover and random search.  Twenty-one runs of 1000 generations on a population of 200 were conducted in each case. The [Globus, et al. 1999] algorithm was used. The fixed algorithm should do even better.

Comparison With Random Search

 case percent of runs that found purine median generations to find purine
random search
crossover alone
50-50 mix of crossover and random search

Clearly the crossover operator is better than random search.


Using our crossover operator, and the more obvious mutation operators, genetic algorithms may now be applied to graph representations. Our results show that genetic algorithms with a graph representation can evolve a variety of molecules and very simple circuits. Significant additional work will be required to determine if applying genetic algorithms using a graph representation to molecular design is beneficial, but our results are encouraging. Unfortunately, we were not able to evolve non-trivial circuits. Even the simple delay and parity circuits were difficult to evolve. This may be due to dividing circuits into fragments with a single input or output vertex each.  This division may not preserve useful sub-units very often.  An alternate crossover operator that choses a subgraph that does not include either the input or output vertex as one fragment might perform better.

The space-of-all-graphs is not well understood or characterized.  Therefore, it is reasonable to presume that searching for graphs using genetic algorithms may be profitable in a number of domains.  Our crossover operator is quite general, functions on both directed and undirected graphs, is unbiased, and can operate on all forms of cyclic and non-cyclic graphs.  Using crossover alone, with no mutation, moderate sized pharmaceutical drug molecules can often be evolved within a few thousand generations with a population of only 1,000.


Many thanks to Daniel Tunkelang, formerly of Carnegie Mellon, for providing his Jiggle code [Tunkelang 1998]. Jiggle arranges arbitrary graphs for easy viewing. Thanks to NWP Associates, Inc. for providing their Student T-Test code. Thanks to Rich McClellan, University of California at Santa Cruz, for providing the mol file reading and atomic element code. Thanks to Gail Felchle for much of the graphics art work. Thanks to Bonnie Klein, Jason Lohn, and Deepak Srivastava for reviewing this paper. This work was funded by NASA Ames contract NAS 2-14303.


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