abstract = "Genetic Programming (GP) is a technique that allows
computer programs encoded as a set of tree structures
to be evolved using an evolutionary algorithm. In GP,
code bloat is a common phenomenon characterised by the
size of individuals gradually increasing during the
evolution. This phenomenon has a negative impact on GP
performance in solving problems. In order to address
this problem, we have recently introduced a code bloat
control method based on semantics: Substituting a
subtree with an Approximate Terminal (SAT-GP). In this
paper, we propose an extension of SAT-GP, namely
Substituting a subtree with an Approximate Subprogram
(SAS-GP). We tested this method with different GP
parameter settings on a real-world time series
forecasting problem. The experimental results
demonstrate the benefit of the proposed method in
reducing the code bloat phenomenon and improving GP
performance. Particularly, SAS-GP often achieves the
best performance compared to other tested GP systems
using four popular performance metrics in GP.",
notes = "Le Quy Don Technical University, Hanoi, Vietnam