abstract = "Nowadays, object recognition is widely studied under
the paradigm of matching local features. This work
describes a genetic programming methodology that
synthesizes mathematical expressions that are used to
improve a well known local descriptor algorithm. It
follows the idea that object recognition in the
cerebral cortex of primates makes use of features of
intermediate complexity that are largely invariant to
change in scale, location, and illumination. These
local features have been previously designed by human
experts using traditional representations that have a
clear, preferably mathematically, well-founded
definition. However, it is not clear that these same
representations are implemented by the natural system
with the same structure. Hence, the possibility to
design novel operators through genetic programming
represents an open research avenue where the
combinatorial search of evolutionary algorithms can
largely exceed the ability of human experts. This paper
provides evidence that genetic programming is able to
design new features that enhance the overall
performance of the best available local descriptor.
Experimental results confirm the validity of the
proposed approach using a widely accept testbed and an
object recognition application.",
notes = "GECCO-2009 A joint meeting of the eighteenth
international conference on genetic algorithms
(ICGA-2009) and the fourteenth annual genetic
programming conference (GP-2009).