title = "For Sale or Wanted: Directed Crossover in Adjudicated
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference
on Computational Intelligence, ECTA 2015",
year = "2015",
editor = "Agostinho Rosa and Juan Julian Merelo and
Antonio Dourado and Jose M. Cadenas and Kurosh Madani and
Antonio Ruano and Joaquim Filipe",
volume = "1",
pages = "95--105",
address = "Lisbon, Portugal",
month = "12-14 " # nov,
organisation = "INSTICC - Institute for Systems and Technologies of
Information, Control and Communication, IFAC -
International Federation of Automatic Control, IEEE SMC
- IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society",
publisher = "SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications",
abstract = "Significant recent effort in genetic programming has
focused on selecting and combining candidate solutions
according to a notion of behaviour defined in semantic
space and has also highlighted disadvantages of relying
on a single scalar measure to capture the complexity of
program performance in evolutionary search. In this
paper, we take an alternative, yet complementary
approach which directs crossover in what we call
adjudicated space, where adjudicated space represents
an abstraction of program behaviour that focuses on the
success or failure of candidate solutions in solving
problem sub-components. We investigate the
effectiveness of several possible adjudicated
strategies on a variety of classification and symbolic
regression problems, and show that both of our novel
pillage and barter tactics significantly outperform
both a standard genetic programming and an enhanced
genetic programming configuration on the fourteen
problems studied.",