Jung-Yi Lin and Hao-Ren Ke and Been-Chian Chien and Wei-Pang Yang.
Classifier design with feature selection and feature extraction using layered genetic programming.
Expert Systems with Applications, 34(2):1384-1393, 2007.
Jung-Yi Lin and Hao-Ren Ke and Been-Chian Chien and Wei-Pang Yang.
Designing a classifier by a layered multi-population genetic programming approach.
Pattern Recognition, 40(8):2211-2225, 2007.
Part Special Issue on Visual Information Processing.
Genetic Programming conference papers by Hao-Ren Ke
Jen-Yuan Yeh and Jung-Yi Lin and Hao-Ren Ke and Wei-Pang Yang.
Learning to Rank for Information Retrieval Using Genetic Programming. In
Thorsten Joachims and Hang Li and Tie-Yan Liu and ChengXiang Zhai editors,
SIGIR 2007 workshop: Learning to Rank for Information Retrieval, 2007.