Genetic Programming Bibliography entries for Hemant Kumar Singh

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GP coauthors/coeditors: Quang Nhat Huynh, Tapabrata Ray, Shelvin Chand, Angus Kenny, Steffen Limmer, Tobias Rodemann, Markus Olhofer,

Genetic Programming Articles by Hemant Kumar Singh

Genetic Programming conference papers by Hemant Kumar Singh

  1. Angus Kenny and Tapabrata Ray and Steffen Limmer and Hemant Kumar Singh and Tobias Rodemann and Markus Olhofer. A Hierarchical Dissimilarity Metric for Automated Machine Learning Pipelines, and Visualizing Search Behaviour. In Stephen Smith and Joao Correia and Christian Cintrano editors, 27th International Conference, EvoApplications 2024, volume 14635, pages 115-129, Aberystwyth, 2024. Springer. details

  2. Angus Kenny and Tapabrata Ray and Steffen Limmer and Hemant Kumar Singh and Tobias Rodemann and Markus Olhofer. Hybridizing TPOT with Bayesian Optimization. In Sara Silva and Luis Paquete and Leonardo Vanneschi and Nuno Lourenco and Ales Zamuda and Ahmed Kheiri and Arnaud Liefooghe and Bing Xue and Ying Bi and Nelishia Pillay and Irene Moser and Arthur Guijt and Jessica Catarino and Pablo Garcia-Sanchez and Leonardo Trujillo and Carla Silva and Nadarajen Veerapen editors, Proceedings of the 2023 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, pages 502-510, Lisbon, Portugal, 2023. Association for Computing Machinery. details

  3. Quang Nhat Huynh and Hemant Kumar Singh and Tapabrata Ray. Improving Symbolic Regression through a semantics-driven framework. In 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2016. details

  4. Quang Nhat Huynh and Hemant Kumar Singh and Tapabrata Ray. A Semantics based Symbolic Regression Framework for Mining Explicit and Implicit Equations from Data. In Tobias Friedrich and Frank Neumann and Andrew M. Sutton and Martin Middendorf and Xiaodong Li and Emma Hart and Mengjie Zhang and Youhei Akimoto and Peter A. N. Bosman and Terry Soule and Risto Miikkulainen and Daniele Loiacono and Julian Togelius and Manuel Lopez-Ibanez and Holger Hoos and Julia Handl and Faustino Gomez and Carlos M. Fonseca and Heike Trautmann and Alberto Moraglio and William F. Punch and Krzysztof Krawiec and Zdenek Vasicek and Thomas Jansen and Jim Smith and Simone Ludwig and JJ Merelo and Boris Naujoks and Enrique Alba and Gabriela Ochoa and Simon Poulding and Dirk Sudholt and Timo Koetzing editors, GECCO '16 Companion: Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2016 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, pages 103-104, Denver, USA, 2016. ACM. details