Genetic Programming Bibliography entries for Jhe-Yu Liou

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GP coauthors/coeditors: Stephanie Forrest, Carole-Jean Wu, Xiaodong Wang, Muaaz Gul Awan, Steven A Hofmeyr,

Genetic Programming Articles by Jhe-Yu Liou

Genetic Programming conference papers by Jhe-Yu Liou

  1. Jhe-Yu Liou and Muaaz Awan and Steven Hofmeyr and Stephanie Forrest and Carole-Jean Wu. Understanding the Power of Evolutionary Computation for GPU Code Optimization. In 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC), pages 185-198, Austin, TX, USA, 2022. details

  2. Jhe-Yu Liou and Xiaodong Wang and Stephanie Forrest and Carole-Jean Wu. GEVO-ML: A Proposal for Optimizing ML Code with Evolutionary Computation. In Richard Allmendinger and Hugo Terashima Marin and Efren Mezura Montes and Thomas Bartz-Beielstein and Bogdan Filipic and Ke Tang and David Howard and Emma Hart and Gusz Eiben and Tome Eftimov and William La Cava and Boris Naujoks and Pietro Oliveto and Vanessa Volz and Thomas Weise and Bilel Derbel and Ke Li and Xiaodong Li and Saul Zapotecas and Qingfu Zhang and Rui Wang and Ran Cheng and Guohua Wu and Miqing Li and Hisao Ishibuchi and Jonathan Fieldsend and Ozgur Akman and Khulood Alyahya and Juergen Branke and John R. Woodward and Daniel R. Tauritz and Marco Baioletti and Josu Ceberio Uribe and John McCall and Alfredo Milani and Stefan Wagner and Michael Affenzeller and Bradley Alexander and Alexander (Sandy) Brownlee and Saemundur O. Haraldsson and Markus Wagner and Nayat Sanchez-Pi and Luis Marti and Silvino Fernandez Alzueta and Pablo Valledor Pellicer and Thomas Stuetzle and Matthew Johns and Nick Ross and Ed Keedwell and Herman Mahmoud and David Walker and Anthony Stein and Masaya Nakata and David Paetzel and Neil Vaughan and Stephen Smith and Stefano Cagnoni and Robert M. Patton and Ivanoe De Falco and Antonio Della Cioppa and Umberto Scafuri and Ernesto Tarantino and Akira Oyama and Koji Shimoyama and Hemant Kumar Singh and Kazuhisa Chiba and Pramudita Satria Palar and Alma Rahat and Richard Everson and Handing Wang and Yaochu Jin and Erik Hemberg and Riyad Alshammari and Tokunbo Makanju and Fuijimino-shi and Ivan Zelinka and Swagatam Das and Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam and Roman Senkerik editors, Proceedings of the 2020 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, pages 1849-1856, internet, 2020. Association for Computing Machinery. details

  3. Jhe-Yu Liou and Stephanie Forrest and Carole-Jean Wu. Uncovering Performance Opportunities by Relaxing Program Semantics of GPGPU Kernels. In Adwait Jog and Onur Kayiran and Ashutosh Pattnaik editors, 12th Workshop on General Purpose Processing Using GPU (GPGPU 2019) @ ASPLOS 2019, Providence, RI, USA, 2019. details

  4. Jhe-Yu Liou and Stephanie Forrest and Carole-Jean Wu. Genetic Improvement of GPU Code. In Justyna Petke and Shin Hwei Tan and William B. Langdon and Westley Weimer editors, GI-2019, ICSE workshops proceedings, pages 20-27, Montreal, 2019. IEEE. Best Paper. details

Genetic Programming other entries for Jhe-Yu Liou