abstract = "Metaheuristic optimisation methods are widely used to
solve complex optimisation problems in various fields
such as engineering, finance, and logistics.
Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) are a family of
metaheuristic optimisation algorithms that are inspired
by biological evolution and natural selection. EAs
mimic the process of natural selection by maintaining a
population of candidate solutions and applying genetic
operators such as mutation, crossover, and selection to
generate new solutions over multiple generations. In
this review, we will focus on six popular types of EAs:
Genetic Algorithms (GA), Evolution Strategies (ES),
Genetic Programming (GP), Differential Evolution (DE),
Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDA), and
Cultural Algorithms (CA). The study also provides
insights into the selection of appropriate
metaheuristic optimisation methods for solving specific
optimisation problems.",
notes = "Also known as \cite{10205592}
Department of Computer Engineering Fr. C. Rodrigues
Institute of Technology Navi Mumbai, India",