booktitle = "2015 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CIBCB)",
title = "Using multi-objective genetic programming to evolve
stochastic logic gate circuits",
year = "2015",
abstract = "A new stochastic logic gate language is presented.
Blossey et al.'s stochastic gene gate language is
extended with a complete set of stochastic Boolean
gates. Although the gates have behavioural similarities
to conventional logic gates, a major difference is that
they operate on quantities of products or substances
that dynamically vary over time. A gene gate circuit's
behaviour is characterised by a time-course plot of the
substance quantities. The paper studies the Boolean
gate language by using multi-objective genetic
programming to evolve logic gate circuits that conform
to a number of different target systems. Circuit
behaviour is characterised by sets of up to 15 time
course statistics, and sum of ranks is used as a
many-objective scoring strategy. Results show that the
language is highly compositional, just like
conventional logic expressions, and that multiple
circuits can exhibit similar behaviours. The new gate
language uses Blossey et al.'s gates as a rudimentary
basis within evolved circuits, with the advantage of
using higher-level Boolean gates when necessary. The
identification of candidate solutions can be
challenging, however, and must account for noise
inherent in the time course behaviours. Circuit
behaviour is also highly dependent on channel rates,
and future work applying the language to real-world
data will need to address this sensitivity.",