abstract = "We automatically generate mutation operators for
Genetic Algorithms (GA) and tune them to problem
instances drawn from a given problem class. By so
doing, we perform metalearning in which the base-level
contains GAs (which learn about problem instances), and
the meta-level contains GAmutation operators (which
learn about problem classes). We use Register Machines
to explore a constrained design space for mutation
operators. We show how two commonly used mutation
operators (viz. one-point and uniform mutation) can be
expressed in this framework. Iterated local search is
used to search the space of mutation operators, and on
a test-bed of 7 problem classes we identify
machine-designed mutation operators which outperform
their human counterparts.",
notes = "Also known as \cite{2330796} and
\cite{Woodward:2012:AGM:2330784.2330796} Distributed at