abstract = "This paper reports some experiments in applying
genetic algorithms for assessing the confidence of
automatically assigned multiple keywords for news
stories. Using Memory Based Reasoning (MBR) (a
k-nearest neighbour method) to classify the stories, we
would like to assign a confidence score per news story,
that allows one to refer stories with low
classification confidence to a human coder. Using
Genetic Programming (GP) as used for program evolution
by [Koza 1992], we discover and evolve symbolic
expressions to compute confidence scores for news
stories that allow a higher performance on subsets of
the database while referring some stories to human
editors. We have earlier reported recall and precision
of 81percent and 72percent, if 100percent of the
stories are coded automatically [Masand, Linoff and
Waltz 1992]. Using the evolved confidence measures to
refer some stories for manual coding, we can achieve
about 80percent recall and 80percent precision for
92percent of the stories. This compares favourably with
manually specified confidence functions that could
classify 76percent of the database with an 80-8Opercent
recall-precision requirement.",
notes = "Presented at Genetic Programming Workshop of ICGA-93",
notes = "Classification of New Stories, Very simple formulae
evolved which do better than existing human attempts at
automatic coding. Automatic results comparable to human
success rates