abstract = "One of the fundamental challenges in applying
evolutionary computation to creative applications such
as music composition is in the design of a suitable
fitness function. This paper proposes a new method of
examining fitness, not from an inherent musical aspect
of the individual but from the degree to which a given
individual conforms to the popular opinion of its
peers. A cyclical system is presented that uses an
initial corpus of melodies to evolve a fitness Critic
which in turn is used to create a new melody. This new
melody is then input into the original corpus to
continue the cycle of Critics creating melodies that in
turn are used to create Critics. A diversity measure of
the changing corpus over evolutionary cycles shows that
the corpus becomes less diverse as more of the melodies
are created by the system. The system creates melodies
in a method that is not random but that is
unpredictable to the programmer.",
notes = "Full Paper
Held at the Seventh International Conference on
Computational Creativity, ICCC 2016",