notes = "Like hummie winner \cite{DBLP:conf/gecco/ForrestNWG09}
but working on assembler code and binary levels.
Suggested by Steff Forrest. No formal Spec, instead
uses only test case. Does not invent new code but moves
existing code about. Again a proportion of programs
cannot be run (eg fail to assemble or link) and are
given fitness zero. Some loop forever and are timed out
after 8 seconds. Only 5+ and one negative test case.
Population size = 40. Uses virtual machine to provide
safety against errors, eg stack smashing. Linux. 7 Unix
utilities (written in in C but compiled to assembler)
On average 63percent of GP runs fixed error.
Cites \cite{10.1109/ASE.2009.15},
\cite{kuhling:2002:EuroGP} and Daikon's ClearView
ASE 2010 broken",