%% Genetic Programming Bibliography %%$Revision: 1.8208 $ $Date: 2025/02/06 11:20:18 $ %%Created by W.B.Langdon cs.ucl.ac.nl January 1995 %%Based on J.Koza's GP bibliography of 14 March 1994 %% To add references to your papers see %% ftp://ftp.cs.bham.ac.uk/pub/authors/W.B.Langdon/biblio/ %%optional References [AA02] Alexandre P. Alves da Silva and Pedro Jose Abrao. Applications of evolutionary computation in electric power systems. In David B. Fogel, Mohamed A. El-Sharkawi, Xin Yao, Garry Greenwood, Hitoshi Iba, Paul Marrow, and Mark Shackleton, editors, Proceedings of the 2002 Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC2002, pages 1057--1062. IEEE Press, 12-17 May 2002. [AA04] J. Aguilar and J. Altamiranda. A data mining algorithm based on the genetic programming, 2004. [AA05] Wendy Ashlock and Dan Ashlock. Single parent genetic programming. 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Bosman, Daniela Zaharie, Fabio Caraffini, Johann Dreo, Anne Auger, Konstantin Dietric, Paul Dufosse, Tobias Glasmachers, Nikolaus Hansen, Olaf Mersmann, Petr Posik, Tea Tusar, Dimo Brockhoff, Tome Eftimov, Pascal Kerschke, Boris Naujoks, Mike Preuss, Vanessa Volz, Bilel Derbel, Ke Li, Xiaodong Li, Saul Zapotecas, Qingfu Zhang, Mark Coletti, Catherine (Katie) Schuman, Eric ``Siggy'' Scott, Robert Patton, Paul Wiegand, Jeffrey K. Bassett, Chathika Gunaratne, Tinkle Chugh, Richard Allmendinger, Jussi Hakanen, Daniel Tauritz, John Woodward, Manuel Lopez-Ibanez, John McCall, Jaume Bacardit, Alexander Brownlee, Stefano Cagnoni, Giovanni Iacca, David Walker, Jamal Toutouh, UnaMay O'Reilly, Penousal Machado, Joao Correia, Sergio Nesmachnow, Josu Ceberio, Rafael Villanueva, Ignacio Hidalgo, Francisco Fernandez de Vega, Giuseppe Paolo, Alex Coninx, Antoine Cully, Adam Gaier, Stefan Wagner, Michael Affenzeller, Bobby R. Bruce, Vesna Nowack, Aymeric Blot, Emily Winter, William B. 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