abstract = "The success of a drug treatment is strongly correlated
with the ability of a molecule to reach its target in
the patient's organism without inducing toxic effects.
Moreover the reduction of cost and time associated with
drug discovery and development is becoming a crucial
requirement for pharmaceutical industry. Therefore
computational methods allowing reliable predictions of
newly synthesised compounds properties are of outmost
relevance. In this paper we discuss the role of genetic
programming in predictive pharmacokinetics, considering
the estimation of adsorption, distribution, metabolism,
excretion and toxicity processes (ADMET) that a drug
undergoes into the patient's organism. We compare
genetic programming with other well known machine
learning techniques according to their ability to
predict oral bioavailability (%F), median oral lethal
dose (LD50) and plasma-protein binding levels (%PPB).
Since these parameters respectively characterise the
percentage of initial drug dose that effectively
reaches the systemic blood circulation, the harmful
effects and the distribution into the organism of a
drug, they are essential for the selection of
potentially good molecules. Our results suggest that
genetic programming is a valuable technique for
predicting pharmacokinetics parameters, both from the
point of view of the accuracy and of the generalisation
notes = "GP, LS2-GP, LS2-C-GP, DF-GP, AIC, Weka ANN, MLP, SVM,
Linear regression, PCFS, CorrFS
p429 'We have tried to investigate the reasons why GP