title = "A New Composite Method of Modeling Bicycle Traffic
using Convolutional Neural Networks and Genetic
booktitle = "2021 6th International Conference on Smart and
Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech)",
year = "2021",
month = sep,
keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming, ANN, GoNM",
DOI = "doi:10.23919/SpliTech52315.2021.9566405",
abstract = "This study proposes a new composite method of
modelling bicycle traffic in the town of Novo mesto,
Slovenia, using Convolutional neural networks and
Genetic programming. Public passenger transport (PPT)
is important for every municipality, as the current
transport system faces well-known problems such as
congestion, environmental impact, lack of parking
areas, increased safety risks and high energy
consumption. The wider Novo mesto region, with about
30000 inhabitants, is an important industrial center
and is heavily dependent on urban traffic. The aim of
the research is to analyze and model bicycle rentals.
Convolutional neural networks and genetic programming
are used to predict bicycle traffic over 35 weeks.",