abstract = "The bounded-diameter (or diameter-constrained) minimum
spanning tree (BDMST) problem is a well-studied
combinatorial optimization problem for which several
heuristics such as: one-time tree construction (OTTC),
center based tree construction(CBTC), iterative
refinement (IR) and randomized greedy heuristics (RGH)
have been developed. Very little work, however, has
been done on producing heuristics for BDMSTs using
evolutionary algorithms. In this paper we have used
multiobjective genetic programming (MOGP) to explore
the evolution of a set of heuristics for the BDMST
problem. The quality of the Pareto fronts obtained from
the MOGP-evolved heuristics is comparable to, or in
some cases better than, the Pareto fronts generated by
established, hand-crafted heuristics. MOGP is thus a
very promising technique for finding heuristics for
BDMSTs and more general multiobjective combinatorial
notes = "GECCO-2009 A joint meeting of the eighteenth
international conference on genetic algorithms
(ICGA-2009) and the fourteenth annual genetic
programming conference (GP-2009).