Genetic Programming Bibliography entries for Daryl Essam
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GP coauthors/coeditors:
R I (Bob) McKay,
Nguyen Xuan Hoai,
R Chau,
Hussein A Abbass,
Tuan-Hao Hoang,
Nguyen Thi Hien,
Moonyoung Kang,
Jungseok Shin,
Naoki Mori,
Saori Takeuchi,
Yin Shan,
C J Lokan,
Rohan Baxter,
Jianying Liu,
Genetic Programming Articles by Daryl Essam
Tuan-Hao Hoang and R. I. McKay and Daryl Essam and Nguyen Xuan Hoai.
On Synergistic Interactions Between Evolution, Development and Layered Learning.
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 15(3):287-312, 2011.
Tuan-Hao Hoang and Daryl Essam and R. I. (Bob) McKay and Nguyen Xuan Hoai.
Developmental evaluation in Genetic Programming: The TAG-based frame work.
International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems, 12(1):69-82, 2008.
R. I. (Bob) McKay and Hoang Tuan Hao and Naoki Mori and Nguyen Xuan Hoai and Daryl Essam.
Model-building with interpolated temporal data.
Ecological Informics, 1(3):259-268, 2006.
4th International Conference on Ecological Informatics.
Nguyen Xuan Hoai and R. I. (Bob) McKay and Daryl Essam.
Representation and Structural Difficulty in Genetic Programming.
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 10(2):157-166, 2006.
X. H. Nguyen and R. I. (Bob) McKay and D. L. Essam.
Solving the Symbolic Regression Problem with Tree-Adjunct Grammar Guided Genetic Programming: The Comparative Results.
The Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems, 7(3/4):114-121, 2001.
Genetic Programming conference papers by Daryl Essam
Naoki Mori and Bob McKay and Nguyen Xuan Hoai and Daryl Essam and Saori Takeuchi.
A New Method for Simplifying Algebraic Expressions in Genetic Programming Called Equivalent Decision Simplification. In
Sigeru Omatu and Miguel P. Rocha and Jose Bravo and Florentino Fernandez and Emilio Corchado and Andres Bustillo and Juan M. Corchado editors,
Distributed Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Soft Computing, and Ambient Assisted Living, volume 5518, pages 171-178, Salamanca, Spain, 2009. Springer.
10th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2009 Workshops.
Tuan Hao Hoang and R. I. (Bob) McKay and Daryl Essam and Nguyen Xuan Hoai.
Learning General Solutions through Multiple Evaluations during Development. In
Gregory Hornby and Luk\'as Sekanina and Pauline C. Haddow editors,
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware, ICES 2008, volume 5216, pages 201-212, Prague, Czech Republic, 2008. Springer.
Jungseok Shin and Moonyoung Kang and Bob McKay and Xuan Nguyen and Tuan-Hao Hoang and Naoki Mori and Daryl Essam.
Analysing the Regularity of Genomes using Compression and Expression Simplification. In
Marc Ebner and Michael O'Neill and Anik\'o Ek\'art and Leonardo Vanneschi and Anna Isabel Esparcia-Alc\'azar editors,
Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Genetic Programming, volume 4445, pages 251-260, Valencia, Spain, 2007. Springer.
Tuan Hao Hoang and Daryl Essam and Bob McKay and Nguyen Xuan Hoai.
Building on Success in Genetic Programming: Adaptive Variation and Developmental Evaluation. In
Lishan Kang and Yong Liu and Sanyou Y. Zeng editors,
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Computation and Intelligence, ISICA 2007, volume 4683, pages 137-146, Wuhan, China, 2007. Springer.
Naoki Mori and R. I. (Bob) McKay and Xuan Hoai Nguyen and Daryl Essam.
How Different are Genetic Programs? Entropy Methods for Studying Diversity and Complexity in Genetic Programming. In
11th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems: IES 2007, page 8 pages, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan, 2007.
Tuan-Hao Hoang and Daryl Essam and Robert Ian (Bob) McKay and Xuan Hoai Nguyen.
Building on Success in Genetic Programming:Adaptive Variation \& Developmental Evaluation. In
Proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium on Intelligent Computation and Applications (ISICA), Wuhan, China, 2007. China University of Geosciences Press.
Tuan-Hao Hoang and R. McKay and D. Essam and Xuan Hoai Nguyen.
Developmental Evaluation in Genetic Programming: A Position Paper. In
Frontiers in the Convergence of Bioscience and Information Technologies, FBIT 2007, pages 773-778, Jeju City, Korea, 2007. IEEE Press.
Robert Ian McKay and Tuan Hao Hoang and Daryl Leslie Essam and Xuan Hoai Nguyen.
Developmental Evaluation in Genetic Programming: the Preliminary Results. In
Pierre Collet and Marco Tomassini and Marc Ebner and Steven Gustafson and Anik\'o Ek\'art editors,
Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Genetic Programming, volume 3905, pages 280-289, Budapest, Hungary, 2006. Springer.
Moonyoung Kang and Jungseok Shin and Tuan Hao Hoang and R. I. (Bob) McKay and Daryl Essam and Naoki Mori and Xuan Hoai Nguyen.
Code Duplication and Developmental Evaluation in Genetic Programming. In
Proceedings of the 2006 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, pages 181-191, Seoul, Korea, 2006.
Tuan-Hao Hoang and Daryl Essam and R. I. (Bob) McKay and Xuan Hoai Nguyen.
Solving Symbolic Regression Problems using Incremental Evaluation in Genetic Programming. In
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pages 7487-7494, Vancouver, 2006. IEEE Press.
Tuan-Hao Hoang and Daryl Essam and R. I. McKay and Xuan Hoai Nguyen.
Developmental evaluation in genetic programming: A TAG-based framework. In
The Long Pham and Hai Khoi Le and Xuan Hoai Nguyen editors,
Proceedings of the Third Asian-Pacific workshop on Genetic Programming, pages 86-97, Military Technical Academy, Hanoi, VietNam, 2006.
Tuan-Hao Hoang and Nguyen Xuan Hoai and Nguyen Thi Hien and R I McKay and Daryl Essam.
ORDERTREE: a new test problem for genetic programming. In
Maarten Keijzer and Mike Cattolico and Dirk Arnold and Vladan Babovic and Christian Blum and Peter Bosman and Martin V. Butz and Carlos Coello Coello and Dipankar Dasgupta and Sevan G. Ficici and James Foster and Arturo Hernandez-Aguirre and Greg Hornby and Hod Lipson and Phil McMinn and Jason Moore and Guenther Raidl and Franz Rothlauf and Conor Ryan and Dirk Thierens editors,
GECCO 2006: Proceedings of the 8th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, volume 1, pages 807-814, Seattle, Washington, USA, 2006. ACM Press.
Nguyen Xuan Hoai and Robert I. McKay and Daryl Essam and Hoang Tuan Hao.
Genetic Transposition in Tree-Adjoining Grammar Guided Genetic Programming: The Duplication Operator. In
Maarten Keijzer and Andrea Tettamanzi and Pierre Collet and Jano I. van Hemert and Marco Tomassini editors,
Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Genetic Programming, volume 3447, pages 108-119, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2005. Springer.
Yin Shan and Robert I. McKay and Rohan Baxter and Hussein Abbass and Daryl Essam and Nguyen Xuan Hoai.
Grammar Model-based Program Evolution. In
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pages 478-485, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2004. IEEE Press.
Nguyen Xuan Hoai and R. I. (Bob) McKay and Daryl Essam and Hussein Abbass.
Toward an Alternative Comparison between Different Genetic Programming Systems. In
Maarten Keijzer and Una-May O'Reilly and Simon M. Lucas and Ernesto Costa and Terence Soule editors,
Genetic Programming 7th European Conference, EuroGP 2004, Proceedings, volume 3003, pages 67-77, Coimbra, Portugal, 2004. Springer-Verlag.
Yin Shan and Robert I. McKay and Daryl Essam and Jianying Liu.
Modularity and Position Independence in EDA-GP. In
R I Mckay and Sung-Bae Cho editors,
Proceedings of The Second Asian-Pacific Workshop on Genetic Programming, Cairns, Australia, 2004.
Y. Shan and R. I. (Bob) McKay and H. A. Abbass and D. L. Essam.
Program distribution estimation with grammar models. In
Proceedings of the 2004 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, pages 191-205, Cairns, Australia, 2004.
Xuan Hoai Nguyen and R. I. (Bob) McKay and D. L. Essam and H. A. Abbass.
Genetic Transposition in Tree-Adjoining Grammar Guided Genetic Programming: the Relocation Operator. In
2004 Asia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning, Busan, Korea, 2004.
R. I. McKay and Hoang Tuan Hao and Naoki Mori and Nguyen Xuan Hoai and Daryl Essam.
Model-Building with Interpolated Temporal Data. In
F. Recknagel editor,
Proceedings of The Conference of the International Society for Ecological Informatics (ISEI04), Busan, Korea, 2004.
Daryl Essam and R. I. (Bob) McKay.
Heritage Diversity in Genetic Programming. In
The 5th International Conference on Simulated Evolution And Learning (SEAL'04), Busan, Korea, 2004.
Y. Shan and R. I. McKay and H. A. Abbass and D. Essam.
Program evolution with explicit learning: a New Framework for Program Automatic Synthesis. In
Ruhul Sarker and Robert Reynolds and Hussein Abbass and Kay Chen Tan and Bob McKay and Daryl Essam and Tom Gedeon editors,
Proceedings of the 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC2003, pages 1639-1646, Canberra, 2003. IEEE Press.
Y. Shan and R. I. McKay and C. J. Lokan and D. L. Essam.
Software Project Effort Estimation Using Genetic Programming. In
IEEE 2002 International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems and West Sino Expositions, volume 2, pages 1108-1112, 2002.
Y. Shan and H. Abbass and R. I. McKay and D. Essam.
AntTAG: a Further Study. In
Ruhul Sarker and Bob McKay editors,
Proceedings of the Sixth Australia-Japan Joint Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 2002.
N. X. Hoai and R. I. McKay and D. Essam and R. Chau.
Solving the Symbolic Regression Problem with Tree-Adjunct Grammar Guided Genetic Programming: The Comparative Results. In
David B. Fogel and Mohamed A. El-Sharkawi and Xin Yao and Garry Greenwood and Hitoshi Iba and Paul Marrow and Mark Shackleton editors,
Proceedings of the 2002 Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC2002, pages 1326-1331, 2002. IEEE Press.
Nguyen Xuan Hoai and R. I. McKay and D. Essam.
Some Experimental Results with Tree Adjunct Grammar Guided Genetic Programming. In
James A. Foster and Evelyne Lutton and Julian Miller and Conor Ryan and Andrea G. B. Tettamanzi editors,
Genetic Programming, Proceedings of the 5th European Conference, EuroGP 2002, volume 2278, pages 228-237, Kinsale, Ireland, 2002. Springer-Verlag.
X. H. Nguyen and R. I. (Bob) McKay and D. L. Essam.
Can Tree Adjunct Grammar Guided Genetic Programming be Good at Finding a Needle in a Haystack? A Case Study. In
IEEE International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems, volume 2, pages 1113-1117, Chengdu, China, 2002. IEEE Press.
Daryl Essam and R. I. Bob McKay.
Adaptive Control of Partial Functions in Genetic Programming. In
Proceedings of the 2001 Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC2001, pages 895-901, COEX, World Trade Center, 159 Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea, 2001. IEEE Press.
R. I. (Bob) McKay and D. L. Essam.
Evolving Self-Reproducing Functional Programs. In
Proceedings of the 2001 Australian Workshop on Artificial Life, pages 55-68, Adelaide, Australia, 2001.
Genetic Programming book chapters by Daryl Essam
Yin Shan and Robert I. McKay and Daryl Essam and Hussein A. Abbass.
A Survey of Probabilistic Model Building Genetic Programming. In
M. Pelikan and K. Sastry and E. Cantu-Paz editors,
Scalable Optimization via Probabilistic Modeling: From Algorithms to Applications, volume 33 of Studies in Computational Intelligence, chapter 6, pages 121-160. Springer, 2006.
Tuan Hao Hoang and Nguyen Xuan Hoai and R. I. (Bob) McKay and Daryl Essam.
The Importance of Local Search: A Grammar Based Approach to Environmental Time Series Modelling. In
Tina Yu and Rick L. Riolo and Bill Worzel editors,
Genetic Programming Theory and Practice III, volume 9 of Genetic Programming, chapter 11, pages 159-175. Springer, Ann Arbor, 2005.
X. H. Nguyen and R. I. (Bob) McKay and D. L. Essam.
Finding Trigonometric Identities with Tree Adjunct Grammar Guided Genetic Programming. In
A. Abraham and L. Jain and B. J. van der Zwaag editors,
Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications, volume 140 of Springer Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, pages 221-236. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 2004.
Genetic Programming technical reports by Daryl Essam
Yin Shan and Robert McKay and Daryl Essam and Hussein Abbass.
A Survey of Probabilistic Model Building Genetic Programming. ALAR Technical Report Series ,
The Artificial Life and Adaptive Robotics Laboratory, School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering University of New South Wales Northcott Drive, Campbell, Canberra, ACT 2600 Australia, 2005.