Genetic Programming Bibliography entries for Doron A Peled

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GP coauthors/coeditors: Gal Katz,

Genetic Programming conference papers by Doron A Peled

  1. Doron Peled. Using Genetic Programming for Software Reliability. In Ylies Falcone and Cesar Sanchez editors, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Runtime Verification: RV 2016, volume 10012, pages 116-131, Madrid, Spain, 2016. Springer. details

  2. Doron Peled. Automatic Synthesis of Code Using Genetic Programming. In Tiziana Margaria and Bernhard Steffen editors, 7th International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation, ISoLA 2016, volume 9952, pages 182-187, Corfu, Greece, 2016. Springer. details

  3. Gal Katz and Doron Peled. Synthesizing, Correcting and Improving Code, Using Model Checking-Based Genetic Programming. In Valeria Bertacco and Axel Legay editors, Proceedings of the 9th International Haifa Verification Conference (HVC 2013), volume 8244, pages 246-261, Haifa, Israel, 2013. Springer. Keynote Presentation. details

  4. Gal Katz and Doron Peled. Synthesis of Parametric Programs using Genetic Programming and Model Checking. In Lorenzo Clemente and Lukas Holik editors, Proceedings 15th International Workshop on Verification of Infinite-State Systems, volume 140, pages 70-84, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2013. Invited talk. details

  5. Gal Katz and Doron Peled. Code Mutation in Verification and Automatic Code Correction. In Javier Esparza and Rupak Majumdar editors, 16th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, TACAS 2010, volume 6015, pages 435-450, Paphos, Cyprus, 2010. Springer. details

  6. Gal Katz and Doron Peled. MCGP: A Software Synthesis Tool Based on Model Checking and Genetic Programming. In Ahmed Bouajjani and Wei-Ngan Chin editors, 8th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, ATVA 2010, volume 6252, pages 359-364, Singapore, 2010. Springer. details

  7. Gal Katz and Doron Peled. Synthesizing Solutions to the Leader Election Problem Using Model Checking and Genetic Programming. In Kedar S. Namjoshi and Andreas Zeller and Avi Ziv editors, 5th International Haifa Verification Conference, HVC 2009, volume 6405, pages 117-132, Haifa, Israel, 2009. Springer. Revised Selected Papers published 2011. details

  8. Gal Katz and Doron Peled. Model Checking-Based Genetic Programming with an Application to Mutual Exclusion. In C. R. Ramakrishnan and Jakob Rehof editors, Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, volume 4963, pages 141-156, Budapest, Hungary, 2008. Springer. Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2008. details

  9. Gal Katz and Doron Peled. Genetic Programming and Model Checking: Synthesizing New Mutual Exclusion Algorithms. In Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, volume 5311, pages 33-47, 2008. Springer. details

Genetic Programming other entries for Doron A Peled