abstract = "Two approaches to inducing a concept represented in
first order logic are inductive logic programming(ILP)
and genetic programming(GP). In ILP, concept learning
can be considered as a search in the space specified by
the background knowledge, and in which the goal concept
is represented by Horn clauses. On the other hand, in
GP, the search space is specified by terminal and
nonterminal symbols, and the goal is represented
generally by S-expressions. These two approaches are
very similar in terms of their methods and goals, yet
their combination in previous work is rare. In this
paper, we propose a method that synthesises the
inductive logic programming and genetic programming
approaches. The concept behind this approach is to
combine the search method of GP, that is, Genetic
Algorithm, with the type and mode methods of ILP. We
have implemented a system called SYNGIP (SYNthesized
system with Genetic programming and Inductive logic
Programming) based on the method. Experimental results
show that the proposed method can be used to treat, in
the same way, learning from training examples that do
not have discrete classes, and learning from both
positive and negative training examples. Moreover, the
proposed method constitutes a novel solution to the
closure problem and provides a new bias for concept
learning. (author abst.)",