Genetic Programming Articles by Ivan Hernandez-Perez
O. May Tzuc and I. Hernandez-Perez and E. V. Macias-Melo and A. Bassam and J. Xaman and B. Cruz.
Multi-gene genetic programming for predicting the heat gain of flat naturally ventilated roof using data from outdoor environmental monitoring.
Measurement, 138:106-117, 2019.
Luis M. Lopez-Manrique and E. V. Macias-Melo and O. May Tzuc and A. Bassam and K. M. Aguilar-Castro and I. Hernandez-Perez.
Assessment of Resource and Forecast Modeling of Wind Speed through An Evolutionary Programming Approach for the North of Tehuantepec Isthmus (Cuauhtemotzin, Mexico).
Energies, 11(11) 2018.