Genetic Programming conference papers by Johnathan Mayke Melo Neto
Johnathan M. Melo Neto and Heder S. Bernardino and Helio J. C. Barbosa.
On the Impact of the Objective Function on Imbalanced Data using Cartesian Genetic Programming Neuroevolutionary Approaches. In
2019 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), pages 1860-1867, 2019.
Johnathan Melo Neto and Heder Bernardino and Helio Barbosa.
Hybridization of Cartesian Genetic Programming and Differential Evolution for Generating Classifiers based on Neural Networks. In
Marley Vellascoeditor,
2018 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2018. IEEE.