organisation = "International Federation of Automatic Control",
keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming, Statistical
data analysis, Evolutionary algorithms in control and
identification, Knowledge discover (data mining),
Information processing and decision support, control of
fluid flows and fluids-structures interactions,
evolutionary algorithms, machine learning control,
proximity map, physics, mechanics of the fluids",
bibsource = "OAI-PMH server at",
contributor = "Laboratoire d'Informatique pour la M{\'e}canique et
les Sciences de l'Ing{\'e}nieur and Elsevier and
abstract = "Evolutionary algorithms are powerful tools to optimise
parameters and structure of control laws. However,
these approaches are often very costly, or even
prohibitive, for expensive experiments due to long
evaluation times and large population sizes. Reducing
the learning time, e.g. by decreasing the number of
function evaluations, is a challenging problem as it
often requires additional knowledge on the objective
function and assumptions. We address the need to
analyse these algorithms and guide their acceleration
through examination of the search space topology and
the exploratory and exploitative nature of the genetic
operators. We show how this gives insights on the
convergence and performance behaviour of Genetic
Programming Control for the drag reduction of a car
model (Li et al., 2016). Profiling machine learning
algorithms, that are very powerful but also more
complex to analyse, aids the goal to increase their
performance and making them eventually feasible for a
wide range of applications.",