title = "Push-forth: a Light-weight, Strongly-typed,
Stack-based Genetic Programming Language",
booktitle = "GECCO '13 Companion: Proceeding of the fifteenth
annual conference companion on Genetic and evolutionary
computation conference companion",
abstract = "This paper defines the push-forth language, a
recombination of Push [3] and Joy [7], borrowing
type-safety considerations from Alp [2]. Push-forth is
stack-based, strongly typed and easy to extend. The
concept of an Evolutionary Development Environment is
presented, and some informal experiments are described
to illustrate the utility of such an environment.",
notes = "Program is Turing complete list of instructions in
postfix order on top of stack shared with data items.
Evolution creates library of solution which pass their
test cases (cf ADFs). Multiobjective (4) fitness
function. p1638 'Pareto-front can grow very large ...
however ... manageable'.
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