abstract = "There are many approaches that are being used in
multi-agent environment to learn agents' behaviour.
Semisupervised approaches such as reinforcement
learning (RL) or genetic programming (GP) are one of
the most frequently used. Disadvantage of these methods
is they are relatively computational resources
demanding, suffers from vanishing gradient during when
machine learning approach is used and has often
non-convex optimization function, which makes behaviour
learning challenging. This paper introduces a method
for data gathering for supervised machine learning
using agent's inverse point of view. Proposed method
explores agent's neighboring environment and collects
data also from surrounding agents instead of
traditional approaches that uses only agents' sensors
and knowledge. Advantage of this approach is, the
collected data can be used with supervised machine
learning, which is significantly less computationally
demanding when compared to RL or GP. A proposed method
was tested and demonstrated on Robocode game, where
agents (i.e. tanks) were trained to avoid opponent
tanks missiles.",
notes = "Department of Telecommunication, Brno University of
Technology, Brno, Czech Republic