abstract = "Compression, e.g. gzip, gives algorithmic information
theory (Kolmogorov Complexity) based measures of string
population diversity. To boost it we use the GI tool
Magpie and select programs of average fitness that
contribute most to variety, allowing evolution to
automatically tailor triangle.c for production speed.
We calculate C source code diversity via approximations
to the Normalised Compression Distance on Multisets
(NCDm) using both Cohen and Vitanyi's O(n squared)
approach and our own, O(n) method, finding the cheaper,
O(n), is equally good.",
notes = "also known as \cite{paper_49_genetic_improvement}
Part of \cite{Xue:2025:GP} EuroGP'2025 held in
conjunction with EvoCOP2025, EvoMusArt2025 and