abstract = "Advanced meanline turbomachinery performance models
are presented based on an extensive database for
centrifugal and mixed-flow compressors and pumps. The
methodology of processing the data is briefly discussed
here, and in more depth in a companion paper. In this
investigation, the detailed steps of building the
highly non-linear, multi-variable, coupled models are
presented. This modelling includes the impeller, a
vaneless diffuser, and/or a volute. In future papers,
diverse classes of diffusers, guide vanes, and return
channels will be added as well. Using genetic
expression programming, models of very high order are
developed. These models are then tested against neural
network models that are built using the same database.
Several different classes of performance models are
built to meet global modeling requirements, specific
discipline domain requirements, and to meet specific
designers' requirements.
This paper is one in a set of four papers. Papers No. 1
and 4 were presented at the ASME/IGTI Conference in
Reno, Nevada, on June 6-9, 2005, and the remaining two
(Papers No. 2 \cite{IMECE2005-79414R3} and No. 3
\cite{IMECE2005-79416-R3}) are being presented at the
2005 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress
on November 5-11, 2005, in Orlando, Florida.",