Qiang Xu and Qiuwen Chen and Jinfeng Ma and Koen Blanckaert.
Optimal pipe replacement strategy based on break rate prediction through genetic programming for water distribution network.
Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 7(2):134-140, 2013.
Special Issue of on Hydroinformatics 2010: Advances of hydroinformatic techniques in hydro-environmental research.
Qiang Xu and Qiuwen Chen and Weifeng Li and Jinfeng Ma.
Pipe break prediction based on evolutionary data-driven methods with brief recorded data.
Reliability Engineering \& System Safety, 96(8):942-948, 2011.
Qiang Xu and Qiuwen Chen and Weifeng Li.
Application of genetic programming to modeling pipe failures in water distribution systems.
Journal of Hydroinformatics, 13(3):419-428, 2011.