abstract = "Personalisation in smart phones requires adaptability
to dynamic context based on user mobility, application
usage and sensor inputs. Current personalisation
approaches, which rely on static logic that is
developed a priori, do not provide sufficient
adaptability to dynamic and unexpected context. This
paper proposes genetic programming (GP), which can
evolve program logic in realtime, as an on line
learning method to deal with the highly dynamic context
in smart phone personalisation. We introduce the
concept of collaborative smart phone personalisation
through the GP Island Model, in order to exploit shared
context among co-located phone users and reduce
convergence time. We implement these concepts on real
smart phones to demonstrate the capability of
personalisation through GP and to explore the benefits
of the Island Model. Our empirical evaluations on two
example applications confirm that the Island Model can
reduce convergence time by up to two-thirds over
standalone GP personalisation.",
notes = "p87 'injecting random programs ... can be beneficial
... energy-efficient...' AGP
http://sourceforge.net/projects/agpframework/ google
RSS reader, pop=5, max depth=3. Wifi energy, pop=12.
Collaboration two Samsung pop=10