abstract = "Evolutionary computations are very effective at
performing global search (in probability), however, the
speed of convergence could be slow. This paper presents
an evolutionary programming algorithm combined with
macro-mutation (MM), local linear bisection search
(LBS) and crossover operators for global optimisation.
The MM operator is designed to explore the whole search
space and the LBS operator to exploit the neighbourhood
of the solution. Simulated annealing is adopted to
prevent premature convergence. The performance of the
proposed algorithm is assessed by numerical experiments
on 12 benchmark problems. Combined with MM, the
effectiveness of various local search operators is also
notes = "School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang
Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore
639798, Singapore
Science direct gives authors as Yao Wen Yang, Jian Feng
Xu, Chee Kiong Soh.",