Enhancement of an Automatic Fingerprint Identification System Using a Genetic Algorithm and Genetic Programming
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- @InProceedings{chaiyaratana:evows06,
author = "Wannasak Wetcharaporn and Nachol Chaiyaratana and
Sanpachai Huvanandana",
title = "Enhancement of an Automatic Fingerprint Identification
System Using a Genetic Algorithm and Genetic
booktitle = "Applications of Evolutionary Computing,
EvoWorkshops2006: {EvoBIO}, {EvoCOMNET}, {EvoHOT},
{EvoIASP}, {EvoInteraction}, {EvoMUSART}, {EvoSTOC}",
year = "2006",
month = "10-12 " # apr,
editor = "Franz Rothlauf and Jurgen Branke and
Stefano Cagnoni and Ernesto Costa and Carlos Cotta and
Rolf Drechsler and Evelyne Lutton and Penousal Machado and
Jason H. Moore and Juan Romero and George D. Smith and
Giovanni Squillero and Hideyuki Takagi",
series = "LNCS",
volume = "3907",
publisher = "Springer Verlag",
address = "Budapest",
publisher_address = "Berlin",
keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming",
ISBN = "3-540-33237-5",
pages = "368--379",
DOI = "doi:10.1007/11732242_33",
abstract = "the use of a genetic algorithm and genetic programming
for the enhancement of an automatic fingerprint
identification system (AFIS). The recognition engine
within the original system functions by transforming
the input fingerprint into a feature vector or finger
code using a Gabor filter bank and attempting to create
the best match between the input fingercode and the
database fingercodes. A decision to either accept or
reject the input fingerprint is then carried out based
upon whether the norm of the difference between the
input fingercode and the best-matching database
fingercode is within the threshold or not. The efficacy
of the system is in general determined from the
combined true acceptance and true rejection rates. In
this investigation, a genetic algorithm is applied
during the pruning of the fingercode while the search
by genetic programming is executed for the purpose of
creating a mathematical function that can be used as an
alternative to the norm operator. The results indicate
that with the use of both genetic algorithm and genetic
programming the system performance has improved
notes = "part of \cite{evows06}",
- }
Genetic Programming entries for
Wannasak Wetcharaporn
Nachol Chaiyaratana
Sanpachai Huvanandana