Partial bibliography of research on non-coding segments and
genetics-based encodings.

[1] Lee Altenberg.  "The evolution of evolvability in genetic
programming." In Kenneth E. Kinnear, Jr., editor, Advances in Genetic
Programming. MIT Press, 1994.

[2] David Andre and Astro Teller, "A Study in Program Response and the
Negative Effects of Introns in Genetic Programming", In John R. Koza,
David E. Goldberg, David B. Fogel, and Rick L. Riolo (eds.) Genetic
Programming 1996: Proceedings of the First Annual Conference, pages
12-20, MIT Press, 1996.

[3] W. F. Doolittle, "What introns have to tell us: Hierarchy in
genome evolution", Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantative Biology,
52, 907-913, 1987.

[4] R. L. Dorit, L. Schoenbach, and W. Gilbert, "How big is the
universe of exons?", Science, 250, 1377-1382.

[5] W. Gilbert, "Why genes in pieces?", Nature, 271, 501, 1978.

[6] W. Gilbert, "The exon theory of genes", Cold Spring Harbor
Symposia on Quantative Biology, 52, 901-905, 1987.

[7] David Goldberg, Kalyanmoy Deb and Bradley Korb, "Messy genetic
algorithms: Motivation, analysis, and first results", Complex Systems,
3, 493-530, 1989.
[8] David Goldberg, Kalyanmoy Deb and Bradley Korb, "Messy genetic
algorithms revisited: Studies in mixed size and scale", Complex
Systems, 4, 415-444, 1990.

[9] Thomas Haynes.  "Duplication of Coding Segments in Genetic
Programming", In Proceedings of the 13th National Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, pages 344-349, AAAI Press, 1996.

[10] John Koza and Nic McPhee.  "weird crossovers." Genetic
Programming Mailing List, August 15th 1995.

[11] John R. Koza.  Genetic Programming: On the Programming of
Computers by Means of Natural Selection.  MIT Press, 1992.

[12] Stephanie Forrest and Melanie Mitchell. "Relative building block
fitness and the building block hypothesis." In D. Whitley, editor,
Foundations of Genetic Algorithms 2, pages 109-126, Morgan Kaufmann,

[13] James R. Levenick, "Inserting introns improves genetic algorithm
success rate: Taking a clue from biology." In R. K. Belew and L. B.
Booker, editors, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on
Genetic Algorithms, pages 123-127, Morgan Kaufmann, 1991.

[14] James R. Levenick, "Metabits: Genetic endogenous crossover
control", In L. Eshelman, editor, Genetic Algorithms: Proceedings of
the Sixth International Conference (ICGA95), pages 88-95. Morgan
Kaufmann, 1995.

[15] Robert K. Lindsay and Annie S. Wu, "Testing the robustness of the
genetic algorithm on the floating building block representation", In
Proceedings of the 13th National Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, Portland, OR, August 1996.

[16] Nic McPhee and Maarten Keijzer.  "Changing representations (a
bit long)." Genetic Programming Mailing List, August 14th 1995.

[17] Nicholas Freitag McPhee and Justin Darwin Miller.  "Accurate
replication in genetic programming." In L. Eshelman, editor, Genetic
Algorithms: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference
(ICGA95), pages 303-309. Morgan Kaufmann, 1995.

[18] Peter Nordin and Wolfgang Banzhaf.  "Complexity compression and
evolution." In Proc. of the 6th Intl. Conf. on Genetic Algorithms,
Pittsburgh 1995 (ICGA-95), L. Eshelman (ed.), Morgan Kaufmann, San
Francisco, 1995, 310 - 317
[19] Peter Nordin, Frank Francone, and Wolfgang Banzhaf.  "Explicitly
defined introns and destructive crossover in genetic programming."
SysReport 95/3, Department of Computer Science, University of
Dortmund.  Presented at the GP workshop at ML-95, San Francisco, USA,
July 1995.  In Kenneth E. Kinnear, Jr. and Peter J. Angeline (eds.),
Advances in Genetic Programming 2. MIT Press, 1995.

[20] B. Patrusky, "The intron story.", MOSIAC, 23(3), 22-33, 1992.

[21] Terence Soule, James A. Foster, and John Dickinson, "Code Growth in
Genetic Programming", In John R. Koza, David E. Goldberg, David
B. Fogel, and Rick L. Riolo (eds.) Genetic Programming 1996:
Proceedings of the First Annual Conference, pages 215-223, MIT Press,

[22] W. A. Tackett.  Recombination, Selection, and the Genetic
Construction of Computer Programs.  PhD thesis, University of Southern
California, Department of Electrical Engineering Systems, 1994.

[23] Walter A. Tackett. "Mining the genetic program." IEEE Expert,
12(3):28-38, 1995.

[24] J. D. Watson, N. H. Hopkins, J. W. Roberts, A. M. Wiener.
Molecular Biology of the Gene, The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing
Company, Inc., 1987.

[25]Mark Wineberg and Franz Oppacher, "The Benefits of Computing with
Introns", In John R. Koza, David E. Goldberg, David B. Fogel, and Rick
L. Riolo (eds.) Genetic Programming 1996: Proceedings of the First
Annual Conference, pages 410-415, MIT Press, 1996.

[26] Annie S. Wu and Robert K. Lindsay, "Empirical studies of the
genetic algorithm with non-coding segments", Evolutionary Computation,
3:2, Summer 1995.

[27] Annie S. Wu, Robert K. Lindsay, Michael D. Smith, "Studies on the
effect of non-coding segments on the genetic algorithm", in
Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Tools with
Artificial Intelligence, New Orleans, LA, November 1994.

[28] Annie S. Wu and Robert K. Lindsay, "A survey of intron research
in genetics" , in Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Parallel
Problem Solving from Nature, Berlin, Germany, September 1996. 

[29] Annie S. Wu and Robert K. Lindsay, "A comparison of the fixed and
floating building block representation in the genetic algorithm", to
appear in Evolutionary Computation 4:2, 1996.