Tools to aid maintenance of GP-bibliography . 15 January 1995
This directory contains (at your own risk):
- template.bib a BibTex template.
- Introduction to BibTex and advice on
maintaining BibTeX files.
- Tools for tidying up BibTeX files and converting them to simple
text files.
BibTeX Tools
- A csh script to convert a BibTex file to
text. Uses bibclean and BibTeX and in the process may detect errors.
- awk script to remove comments
- see for tools available from other
ftp sites.
The following have been noted in version 2.08 of
- This directory contains a bug fix
to bibclean which
ensures bibclean will not spread urls across multiple lines. Please
use this.
- The command line option -delete-empty-fields can cause badly formatted
output. These problems may be fixed up by hand. The csh script
bib2txt.bat may be used to check the format of a BibTeX file.
- When installing bibclean either don't use
BIBINPUTS or have its set appropriately before running the
verification tests.