#csh shell to convert BibTeX file gp-bibliography.bib to a text file #WBL 9-Jan-1995 # #use setenv BIBINPUTS to point BIBINPUTS at location of gp-bibliography.bib # setenv BIBINPUTS . # #WARNING tidies up # rm bib2txt-alpha.aux bib2txt-alpha.blg bib2txt-alpha.bbl rm bib2txt-alpha.dvi bib2txt-alpha.log # #run LaTeX to ensure bib2txt-alpha.aux is up to date #pity about the volume of stuff out of latex. Sometimes it contains #some usefull error messages. Directing stdout to /dev/null works but #makes it awfull when something goes wrong. # latex bib2txt-alpha # #run BibTeX to ensure bib2txt-alpha.bbl is up to date # bibtex bib2txt-alpha # #run LaTeX to create bib2txt-alpha.dvi # latex bib2txt-alpha # #convert bib2txt-alpha.dvi to a text file # dvi2tty bib2txt-alpha > gp-bib-alpha.txt # #tidy up # rm bib2txt-alpha.aux bib2txt-alpha.blg bib2txt-alpha.dvi bib2txt-alpha.log rm bib2txt-alpha.bbl # rm bib2txt-plain.aux bib2txt-plain.blg bib2txt-plain.dvi bib2txt-plain.log # #run LaTeX to ensure bib2txt-plain.aux is up to date # latex bib2txt-plain # #run BibTeX to ensure bib2txt-plain.bbl is up to date # bibtex bib2txt-plain # #run LaTeX to create bib2txt-plain.dvi # latex bib2txt-plain # #convert bib2txt-plain.dvi to a text file # dvi2tty bib2txt-plain > gp-bib-num.txt # # tidy up # rm bib2txt-plain.aux bib2txt-plain.blg bib2txt-plain.bbl rm bib2txt-plain.dvi bib2txt-plain.log