abstract = "This paper presents an approach to analyse the
behaviours of teams of autonomous agents who work
together to achieve a common goal. The agents in a team
are evolved together using a genetic programming (GP)
[8] approach where each team of agents is represented
as a single GP tree or chromosome. A number of such
teams are evolved and their behaviours analysed in an
attempt to identify combinations of individual agent
behaviours that constitute good (or bad) team
behaviour. For each team we simulate a number of games
and periodically capture the agents' behavioural
information from the gaming environment during each
simulation. This information is stored in a series of
status records that can be later analysed. We compare
and contrast the behaviours of agents in the evolved
teams to see if there is a correlation between a team's
performance (fitness score) and the combined behaviours
of the team's agents. This approach could also be
applied to other GP-evolved teams in different
notes = "GECCO-2007 A joint meeting of the sixteenth
international conference on genetic algorithms
(ICGA-2007) and the twelfth annual genetic programming
conference (GP-2007).