Genetic and Evolutionary Computation COnference


Table of Contents

Author Index

Meta-heuristics and Local Search

Enhancing Differential Evolution Performance with Local Search for High Dimensional Function Optimization  (page 967)
N. Noman, H. Iba (The University of Tokyo)

The Enhanced Evolutionary Tabu Search and Its Application to the Quadratic Assignment Problem  (page 975)
J. F. McLoughlin III (Penn State Great Valley)
W. Cedeño (Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical R&D)

Evolutionary Rule-Based System for IPO Underpricing Prediction  (page 983)
D. Quintana, C. Luque, P. Isasi (Universidad Carlos III)

Two Improved Differential Evolution Schemes for Faster Global Search  (page 991)
S. Das, A. Konar (Jadavpur University)
U. K. Chakraborty (University of Missouri)

A Low-Level Hybridization between Memetic Algorithm 
and VNS for the Max-Cut Problem
(page 999)
A. Duarte, Á. Sánchez (ESCET-URJC)
F. Fernández (FI-UPM)
R. Cabido (ESCET-URJC)

Meta-heuristics and Local Search: Poster

Hybrid Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm with a New Adaptive 
Local Search Process
(page 1009)
S. F. Adra, I. Griffin, P. J. Fleming (University of Sheffield)

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