Genetic Programming Bibliography entries for Askhat Diveev Ibraghimovich

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GP coauthors/coeditors: Jose Miguel Atiencia Villagomez, Elena A Sofronova, N A Severtsev, S I Ibadulla, N B Konyrbaev, Elizaveta Yu Shmalko, Galina Ivanova Balandina, S V Konstantinov, Droh Mecapeu Catherine Prisca,

Genetic Programming Articles by Askhat Diveev Ibraghimovich

  1. Askhat I. Diveev and Elizaveta Y. Shmalko. Machine-Made Synthesis of Stabilization System by Modified Cartesian Genetic Programming. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 52(7):6627-6637, 2022. details

  2. Elizaveta Shmalko and Askhat Diveev. Control Synthesis as Machine Learning Control by Symbolic Regression Methods. Applied Sciences, 11(12) 2021. details

  3. Askhat Diveev and Elizaveta Shmalko. Research of Trajectory Optimization Approaches in Synthesized Optimal Control. Symmetry, 13(2) 2021. details

  4. N. B. Konyrbaev and S. I. Ibadulla and A. I. Diveev. Evolutional Methods for Creating Artificial Intelligence of Robotic Technical Systems. Procedia Computer Science, 150:709-715, 2019. Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium "Intelligent Systems 2018" (INTELS'18), 22-24 October, 2018, St. Petersburg, Russia. details

  5. A. I. Diveev and N. B. Konyrbaev and E. A. Sofronova. Method of Binary Analytic Programming to Look for Optimal Mathematical Expression. Procedia Computer Science, 103:597-604, 2017. \XII\ International Symposium Intelligent Systems 2016, \INTELS\ 2016, 5-7 October 2016, Moscow, Russia. details

  6. A. I. Diveev and S. I. Ibadulla and N. B. Konyrbaev and E. Yu. Shmalko. Variational Genetic Programming for Optimal Control System Synthesis of Mobile Robots. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48(19):106-111, 2015. 11th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control SYROCO 2015 Salvador, Brazil, 26-28 August 2015. details

  7. A. I. Diveev and N. A. Severtsev and E. A. Sofronova. Control design of a weather rocket by genetic programming method. Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability, 37(5):501-505, 2008. details

Genetic Programming conference papers by Askhat Diveev Ibraghimovich

  1. Askhat Diveev. Cartesian Genetic Programming for Synthesis of Optimal Control System. In Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2020, Volume 2, 2021. Springer. details

  2. Askhat Diveev and Elena Sofronova and Droh Mecapeu Catherine Prisca. Synthesised Optimal Control for a Robotic Group by Complete Binary Genetic Programming. In 2021 IEEE 16th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), pages 100-105, 2021. details

  3. Askhat Diveev. Cartesian Genetic Programming for Synthesis of Control System for Group of Robots. In 2020 28th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), pages 972-977, 2020. details

  4. Askhat Diveev and Galina Balandina. Optimal Trajectories Synthesis of a Mobile Robots Group Using Cartesian Genetic Programming*. In 2020 7th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), volume 1, pages 130-135, 2020. details

  5. Askhat I. Diveev and Elena A. Sofronova. Automation of Synthesized Optimal Control Problem Solution for Mobile Robot by Genetic Programming. In Yaxin Bi and Rahul Bhatia and Supriya Kapoor editors, Intelligent Systems and Applications - Proceedings of the 2019 Intelligent Systems Conference, IntelliSys 2019, London, UK, September 5-6, 2019, Volume 2, volume 1038, pages 1054-1072, 2019. Springer. details

  6. Askhat Diveev and Elizaveta Shmalko and Elena Sofronova. Problem of optimal area monitoring by group of robots and its solution by evolutionary algorithm. In 2018 13th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), pages 141-146, 2018. details

  7. A. I. Diveev and G. I. Balandina and S. V. Konstantinov. Binary variational genetic programming for the problem of synthesis of control system. In 2017 13th International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD), pages 186-191, 2017. details

  8. Jose Miguel Atiencia Villagomez and Askhat Diveev and Elena Sofronova. The network operator method for synthesis of intelligent control system. In Wenxiang Xie editor, 7th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, ICIEA 2012, pages 174-179, Singapore, 2012. details