Genetic Programming Bibliography entries for Federica Sarro

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GP coauthors/coeditors: Alexander E I Brownlee, James Callan, Karine Even-Mendoza, Alina Geiger, Carol Hanna, Justyna Petke, Dominik Sobania, Oliver Krauss, Jose Javier Dolado Cosin, Daniel Rodriguez, Mark Harman, William B Langdon, Filomena Ferrucci, Carmine Gravino, Rocco Oliveto, Giovani Guizzo, Jens Krinke, Silvia Regina Vergilio, Aymeric Blot, David Williams, Afnan Al-Subaihin, Anthony Finkelstein, Yue Jia, William Martin, Yuanyuan Zhang, Maria Kechagia, Sergey Mechtaev, Matias Sebastian Martinez, Aldeida Aleti, Alessio Petrozziello, Serkan Kirbas, Thomas Prideaux-Ghee, James Zhong, Max Hort,

Genetic Programming Articles by Federica Sarro

  1. Alexander Edward Ian Brownlee and James Callan and Karine Even-Mendoza and Alina Geiger and Carol Hanna and Justyna Petke and Federica Sarro and Dominik Sobania. Large Language Model Based Mutations in Genetic Improvement. Automated Software Engineering, 15:article number 15, 2025. Special Issue on Advances in Search-Based Software. details

  2. Giovani Guizzo and David Williams and Mark Harman and Justyna Petke and Federica Sarro. Speeding up Genetic Improvement via Regression Test Selection. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 33(8) 2024. details

  3. James Callan and Oliver Krauss and Justyna Petke and Federica Sarro. How Do Android Developers Improve Non-Functional Properties of Software?. Empirical Software Engineering, 27:Article 113, 2022. Topical Collection:Software Performance. details

  4. Maria Kechagia and Sergey Mechtaev and Federica Sarro and Mark Harman. Evaluating Automatic Program Repair Capabilities to Repair API Misuses. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 48(7):2658-2679, 2022. details

  5. Giovani Guizzo and Federica Sarro and Jens Krinke and Silvia Regina Vergilio. Sentinel: A Hyper-Heuristic for the Generation of Mutant Reduction Strategies. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 48(3):803-818, 2022. details

  6. James Callan and Oliver Krauss and Justyna Petke and Federica Sarro. How do Android developers improve non-functional properties of software?. Empirical Software Engineering, 27(5):113, 2022. details

  7. Jose Javier Dolado and Daniel Rodriguez and Mark Harman and William B. Langdon and Federica Sarro. Evaluation of Estimation Models using the Minimum Interval of Equivalence. Applied Soft Computing, 49:956-967, 2016. details

Genetic Programming conference papers by Federica Sarro

  1. David Williams and James Callan and Serkan Kirbas and Sergey Mechtaev and Justyna Petke and Thomas Prideaux-Ghee and Federica Sarro. User-Centric Deployment of Automated Program Repair at Bloomberg. In 46th International Conference on Software Engineering - Software Engineering in Practice track (ICSE-SEIP 2024), Lisbon, 2024. Distinguished Paper Award Winner. details

  2. Justyna Petke and Matias Martinez and Maria Kechagia and Aldeida Aleti and Federica Sarro. The Patch Overfitting Problem in Automated Program Repair: Practical Magnitude and a Baseline for Realistic Benchmarking. In FSE, Ideas, Visions and Reflections, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, 2024. details

  3. Alexander E. I. Brownlee and James Callan and Karine Even-Mendoza and Alina Geiger and Carol Hanna and Justyna Petke and Federica Sarro and Dominik Sobania. Enhancing Genetic Improvement Mutations Using Large Language Models. In Paolo Arcaini and Tao Yue and Erik Fredericks editors, SSBSE 2023: Challenge Track, volume 14415, pages 153-159, San Francisco, USA, 2023. Springer. details

  4. James Zhong and Max Hort and Federica Sarro. Py2Cy: A Genetic Improvement Tool To Speed Up Python. In Bobby R. Bruce and Vesna Nowack and Aymeric Blot and Emily Winter and W. B. Langdon and Justyna Petke editors, GI @ GECCO 2022, pages 1950-1955, Boston, USA, 2022. Association for Computing Machinery. details

  5. Giovani Guizzo and Aymeric Blot and James Callan and Justyna Petke and Federica Sarro. Refining Fitness Functions for Search-Based Automated Program Repair: A Case Study with ARJA and ARJA-e. In Una-May O'Reilly and Xavier Devroey editors, SSBSE 2021, volume 12914, pages 159-165, Bari, 2021. Springer. Winner Challenge Track. details

  6. Giovani Guizzo and Justyna Petke and Federica Sarro and Mark Harman. Artifact for Enhancing Genetic Improvement of Software with Regression Test Selection. In Silvia Abrahao and Daniel Mendez editors, IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceedings (ICSE-Companion), page 220, 2021. details

  7. Giovani Guizzo and Justyna Petke and Federica Sarro and Mark Harman. Enhancing Genetic Improvement of Software with Regression Test Selection. In Arie van Deursen and Tao Xie and Natalia Juristo Oscar Dieste editors, Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2021, pages 1323-1333, Madrid, 2021. IEEE. Winner ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Artifact Award. details

  8. Federica Sarro and Alessio Petrozziello and Mark Harman. Multi-objective Software Effort Estimation. In Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE '16, pages 619-630, Austin, Texas, USA, 2016. ACM. Humie 2016 Bronze Medal. details

  9. Afnan Al-Subaihin and Anthony Finkelstein and Mark Harman and Yue Jia and William Martin and Federica Sarro and Yuanyuan Zhang. App Store Mining and Analysis. In Aharon Abadi and Shah Rukh Humayoun and Henry Muccini editors, Third International Workshop on Software Development Lifecycle for Mobile, DeMobile 2015, Bergamo, Italy, 2015. Keynote. details

  10. Federica Sarro and Filomena Ferrucci and Carmine Gravino. Single and Multi Objective Genetic Programming for software development effort estimation. In Sascha Ossowski and Paola Lecca editors, Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pages 1221-1226, Trento, Italy, 2012. ACM. details

  11. Filomena Ferrucci and Carmine Gravino and Federica Sarro. How Multi-Objective Genetic Programming Is Effective for Software Development Effort Estimation?. In Myra Cohen and Mel O'Cinneid editors, Search Based Software Engineering, volume 6956, pages 274-275, Szeged, Hungary, 2011. Springer. details

  12. Filomena Ferrucci and Carmine Gravino and Rocco Oliveto and Federica Sarro. Genetic Programming for Effort Estimation: An Analysis of the Impact of Different Fitness Functions. In Massimiliano Di Penta and Simon Poulding and Lionel Briand and John Clark editors, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering (SSBSE '10), pages 89-98, Benevento, Italy, 2010. IEEE. details