Genetic Programming Bibliography entries for James Callan

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GP coauthors/coeditors: Alexander E I Brownlee, Karine Even-Mendoza, Alina Geiger, Carol Hanna, Justyna Petke, Federica Sarro, Dominik Sobania, Oliver Krauss, William B Langdon, Giovani Guizzo, Aymeric Blot,

Genetic Programming Articles by James Callan

Genetic Programming PhD doctoral thesis James Callan

Genetic Programming conference papers by James Callan

  1. James Callan and William B. Langdon and Justyna Petke. On Reducing Network Usage with Genetic Improvement. In Gabin An and Aymeric Blot and Vesna Nowack and Oliver Krauss and Justyna Petke editors, 13th International Workshop on Genetic Improvement @ICSE 2024, pages 23-30, Lisbon, 2024. ACM. details

  2. Alexander E. I. Brownlee and James Callan and Karine Even-Mendoza and Alina Geiger and Carol Hanna and Justyna Petke and Federica Sarro and Dominik Sobania. Enhancing Genetic Improvement Mutations Using Large Language Models. In Paolo Arcaini and Tao Yue and Erik Fredericks editors, SSBSE 2023: Challenge Track, volume 14415, pages 153-159, San Francisco, USA, 2023. Springer. details

  3. James Callan and Justyna Petke. Multi-objective Genetic Improvement: A Case Study with EvoSuite. In Mike Papadakis and Silvia Regina Vergilio editors, 14th International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering SSBSE 2020, volume 13711, pages 111-117, Singapore, 2022. Springer. details

  4. Giovani Guizzo and Aymeric Blot and James Callan and Justyna Petke and Federica Sarro. Refining Fitness Functions for Search-Based Automated Program Repair: A Case Study with ARJA and ARJA-e. In Una-May O'Reilly and Xavier Devroey editors, SSBSE 2021, volume 12914, pages 159-165, Bari, 2021. Springer. Winner Challenge Track. details

  5. James Callan and Justyna Petke. Improving Android App Responsiveness through Search-Based Frame Rate Reduction. In Una-May O'Reilly and Xavier Devroey editors, SSBSE 2021, volume 12914, pages 136-150, Bari, 2021. Springer. details

  6. James Callan and Justyna Petke. Optimising SQL Queries Using Genetic Improvement. In Justyna Petke and Bobby R. Bruce and Yu Huang and Aymeric Blot and Westley Weimer and W. B. Langdon editors, GI @ ICSE 2021, pages 9-10, internet, 2021. IEEE. details

Genetic Programming other entries for James Callan