abstract = "The fitness values increase rapidly in the early
stages of circuit evolution design, while the fitness
values grew slowly or stagnated, at the later stages of
the evolution. The phenomenon is called the Stalling
effect phenomenon. In response to this problem, the
evolutionary redundancy repair technique of circuit
evolution design is proposed. The repair module is
built using the redundant nodes and activated nodes at
the later of circuit evolution design. The circuit with
partially correct functions is evolved using Cartesian
Genetic Programming at the early stages of the
algorithm. At the later stages of the algorithm, the
repair modules repair the error output of minimum
items, ensure the correct output of the minimum items
not modified meanwhile. The target circuit obtained
traditional repair techniques include the additional
repair circuit modules and the partial correct circuit.
The evolutionary redundancy repair technique combines
the repair circuit module and the evolution circuit.
The repair module is built through the redundant nodes
and the activated nodes. The experiment of a three-bit
multiplier is researched. The results show that the
rate of convergence of evolution program is greatly
notes = "College of Physics and Information Engineering, Hebei
Normal University, Shijiazhuang, China