Genetic Programming Bibliography entries for Jessen Yu

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GP coauthors/coeditors: Forrest Bennett, John Koza, Martin A Keane, William J Mydlowec, Oscar Stiffelman, Guido Lanza, William Comisky, Matthew J Streeter, David Fletcher,

Genetic Programming Articles by Jessen Yu

Genetic Programming Books by Jessen Yu

Genetic Programming conference papers by Jessen Yu

  1. John R. Koza and William Mydlowec and Guido Lanza and Jessen Yu and Martin A. Keane. Automatic Synthesis of Both the Topology and Sizing of Metabolic Pathways using Genetic Programming. In Lee Spector and Erik D. Goodman and Annie Wu and W. B. Langdon and Hans-Michael Voigt and Mitsuo Gen and Sandip Sen and Marco Dorigo and Shahram Pezeshk and Max H. Garzon and Edmund Burke editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2001), pages 57-65, San Francisco, California, USA, 2001. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  2. J. R. Koza and W. Mydlowec and G. Lanza and J. Yu and M. A. Keane. Reverse Engineering of Metabolic Pathways from Observed Data Using Genetic Programming. In Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 6, pages 434-445, Hawaii, 2001. World Scientific press. details

  3. John R. Koza and Jessen Yu and Martin A. Keane and William Mydlowec. Evolution of a Controller with a Free Variable using Genetic Programming. In Riccardo Poli and Wolfgang Banzhaf and William B. Langdon and Julian F. Miller and Peter Nordin and Terence C. Fogarty editors, Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'2000, volume 1802, pages 91-105, Edinburgh, 2000. Springer-Verlag. details

  4. John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane and Jessen Yu and William Mydlowec and Forrest H Bennett III. Automatic Synthesis of Both the Topology and Parameters for a Three-Lag Plant with a five-Second Delay Using Genetic Programming. In Stefano Cagnoni and Riccardo Poli and George D. Smith and David Corne and Martin Oates and Emma Hart and Pier Luca Lanzi and Egbert Jan Willem and Yun Li and Ben Paechter and Terence C. Fogarty editors, Real-World Applications of Evolutionary Computing, volume 1803, pages 168-177, Edinburgh, 2000. Springer-Verlag. details

  5. John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane and Jessen Yu and William Mydlowec and Forrest H Bennett III. Automatic synthesis of both the control law and parameters for a controller for a three-lagplant with five-second delay using genetic programming and simulation techniques. In Proceedings of the 2000 American Control Conference, pages 453-459, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2000. details

  6. John R. Koza and William Mydlowec and Guido Lanza and Jessen Yu and Martin A. Keane. Reverse engineering of metabolic pathways from observed data by means of genetic programming. In First International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Tokyo, 2000. details

  7. John R. Koza and Jessen Yu and Martin A. Keane and William Mydlowec. Use of conditional developmental operators and free variables in automatically synthesizing generalized circuits using genetic programming. In Proceedings of the Second NASA / DoD Workshop on Evolvable Hardware, pages 5-15, Palo Alto, California, 2000. details

  8. Forrest H Bennett III and John R. Koza and Jessen Yu and William Mydlowec. Automatic synthesis, placement, and routing of an amplifier circuit by means of genetic programming. In Julian Miller and Adrian Thompson and Peter Thomson and Terence C. Fogarty editors, Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware Third International Conference, ICES 2000, volume 1801, pages 1-10, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 2000. Springer-Verlag. details

  9. William Comisky and Jessen Yu and John R. Koza. Automatic Synthesis of a Wire Antenna Using Genetic Programming. In Darrell Whitley editor, Late Breaking Papers at the 2000 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, pages 179-186, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2000. details

  10. John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane and Jessen Yu and William Mydlowec. Automatic Synthesis of Electrical Circuits Containing a Free Variable using Genetic Programming. In Darrell Whitley and David Goldberg and Erick Cantu-Paz and Lee Spector and Ian Parmee and Hans-Georg Beyer editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2000), pages 477-484, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2000. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  11. Martin A. Keane and Jessen Yu and John R. Koza. Automatic Synthesis of Both Topology and Tuning of a Common Parameterized Controller for Two Families of Plants using Genetic Programming. In Darrell Whitley and David Goldberg and Erick Cantu-Paz and Lee Spector and Ian Parmee and Hans-Georg Beyer editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2000), pages 496-504, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2000. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  12. Jessen Yu and Martin A. Keane and John R. Koza. Automatic design of both topology and tuning of a common parameterized controller for two families of plants using genetic programming. In Proceedings of Eleventh IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Aided Control SystemDesign (CACSD) Conference and Ninth IEEE International Conference on Control Applications(CCA) Conference, pages CACSD-234-242, Anchorage, Alaska, 2000. details

  13. John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane and Forrest H Bennett III and Jessen Yu and William Mydlowec and Oscar Stiffelman. Searching for the Impossible using Genetic Programming. In Wolfgang Banzhaf and Jason Daida and Agoston E. Eiben and Max H. Garzon and Vasant Honavar and Mark Jakiela and Robert E. Smith editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, volume 2, pages 1083-1091, Orlando, Florida, USA, 1999. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  14. John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane and Forrest H Bennett III and Jessen Yu and William Mydlowec and Oscar Stiffelman. Automatic creation of both the topology and parameters for a robust controller by means of genetic programming. In Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Intelligent Systems, and Semiotics, pages 344-352, 1999. details

  15. John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane and Jessen Yu and Forrest H Bennett III and William Mydlowec and Oscar Stiffelman. Automatic synthesis of both the topology and parameters for a robust controller for a non-minimal phase plant and a three-lag plant by means of genetic programming. In Proceedings of 1999 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 5292-5300, 1999. details

  16. Forrest H Bennett III and John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane and Jessen Yu and William Mydlowec and Oscar Stiffelman. Evolution by Means of Genetic Programming of Analog Circuits that Perform Digital Functions. In Wolfgang Banzhaf and Jason Daida and Agoston E. Eiben and Max H. Garzon and Vasant Honavar and Mark Jakiela and Robert E. Smith editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, volume 2, pages 1477-1483, Orlando, Florida, USA, 1999. Morgan Kaufmann. details

Genetic Programming book chapters by Jessen Yu

Genetic Programming technical reports by Jessen Yu