Genetic Programming Bibliography entries for Martin A Keane

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GP coauthors/coeditors: David Andre, Forrest Bennett, John Koza, Jessen Yu, William J Mydlowec, Oscar Stiffelman, James P Rice, Jason Lohn, Frank M Dunlap, Jeffrey L Hutchings, Stephen L Bade, Scott Brave, Guido Lanza, Matthew J Streeter, David Fletcher, Lee W Jones, Sameer H Al-Sakran,

Genetic Programming Articles by Martin A Keane

  1. John R. Koza and Matthew J. Streeter and Martin A. Keane. Routine high-return human-competitive automated problem-solving by means of genetic programming. Information Sciences, 178(23):4434-4452, 2008. Special Section: Genetic and Evolutionary Computing. details

  2. J. R. Koza and M. A. Keane and M. J. Streeter. Routine automated synthesis of five patented analog circuits using genetic programming. Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications, 8(5):318-324, 2004. details

  3. John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane and Matthew J. Streeter. Evolving Inventions. Scientific American, 288(2):52-59, 2003. details

  4. John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane and Matthew J. Streeter. What's AI Done for Me Lately? Genetic Programming's Human-Competitive Results. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 18(3):25-31, 2003. details

  5. John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane and Jessen Yu and Forrest H Bennett III and William Mydlowec. Automatic Creation of Human-Competitive Programs and Controllers by Means of Genetic Programming. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 1(1/2):121-164, 2000. details

  6. John R. Koza and Forrest H Bennett III and David Andre and Martin A. Keane. Synthesis of topology and sizing of analog electrical circuits by means of genetic programming. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 186(2-4):459-482, 2000. details

  7. John R. Koza and Forrest H Bennett III and David Andre and Martin A. Keane and Frank Dunlap. Automated Synthesis of Analog Electrical Circuits by Means of Genetic Programming. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 1(2):109-128, 1997. details

Genetic Programming Books by Martin A Keane

  1. John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane and Matthew J. Streeter and William Mydlowec and Jessen Yu and Guido Lanza and David Fletcher. Genetic Programming IV Video: Human-Competitive Machine Intelligence. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. details

  2. John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane and Matthew J. Streeter and William Mydlowec and Jessen Yu and Guido Lanza. Genetic Programming IV: Routine Human-Competitive Machine Intelligence. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. details

  3. John R. Koza and Forrest H Bennett III and David Andre and Martin A. Keane and Scott Brave. Genetic Programming III Videotape: Human Competitive Machine Intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann, 340 Pine Street - 6th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104, USA, 1999. details

  4. John R. Koza and David Andre and Forrest H Bennett III and Martin Keane. Genetic Programming III: Darwinian Invention and Problem Solving. Morgan Kaufmann, 1999. details

Genetic Programming conference papers by Martin A Keane

  1. John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane and Matthew J. Streeter. Routine high-return human-competitive evolvable hardware. In Ricardo S. Zebulum and David Gwaltney and Gregory Hornby and Didier Keymeulen and Jason Lohn and Adrian Stoica editors, Proceedings of the 2004 NASA/DoD Conference on Evolvable Hardware, pages 3-17, Seattle, 2004. IEEE Press. details

  2. John R. Koza and Matthew J. Streeter and Martin A. Keane. Automated synthesis by means of genetic programming of human-competitive designs employing reuse, hierarchies, modularities, development, and parameterized topologies. In Hod Lipson and Erik K. Antonsson and John R. Koza editors, Computational Synthesis: From Basic Building Blocks to High Level Functionality: Papers from the 2003 AAAI Spring Symposium, pages 138-145, Stanford, California, USA, 2003. AAAI Press. details

  3. Matthew J. Streeter and Martin A. Keane and John R. Koza. Automatic synthesis using genetic programming of improved PID tuning rules. In A. E. Ruano editor, Preprints of the 2003 Intelligent Control Systems and Signal Processing Conference, pages 494-499, Faro, Portugal, 2003. details

  4. Matthew J. Streeter and John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane. Use of genetic programming for automatic synthesis of post-2000 patented analog electrical circuits and patentable controllers. In S. Hernandez and C. A. Brebbia and M. E. M. El-Sayed editors, Computer Aided Optimum Design of Structures VIII, volume 8, pages 35-44, Detroit, Michigan, USA, 2003. WIT Press. details

  5. Matthew J. Streeter and Martin A. Keane and John R. Koza. Iterative Refinement Of Computational Circuits Using Genetic Programming. In W. B. Langdon and E. Cant\'u-Paz and K. Mathias and R. Roy and D. Davis and R. Poli and K. Balakrishnan and V. Honavar and G. Rudolph and J. Wegener and L. Bull and M. A. Potter and A. C. Schultz and J. F. Miller and E. Burke and N. Jonoska editors, GECCO 2002: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, pages 877-884, New York, 2002. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. details

  6. Matthew J. Streeter and Martin A. Keane and John R. Koza. Routine Duplication of Post-2000 Patented Inventions by Means of Genetic Programming. In James A. Foster and Evelyne Lutton and Julian Miller and Conor Ryan and Andrea G. B. Tettamanzi editors, Genetic Programming, Proceedings of the 5th European Conference, EuroGP 2002, volume 2278, pages 26-36, Kinsale, Ireland, 2002. Springer-Verlag. details

  7. M. A. Keane and J. R. Koza and M. J. Streeter. Automatic Synthesis Using Genetic Programming of an Improved General-Purpose Controller for Industrially Representative Plants. In Adrian Stoica and Jason Lohn and Rich Katz and Didier Keymeulen and Ricardo Salem Zebulum editors, The 2002 NASA/DoD Conference on Evolvable Hardware, pages 113-122, Alexandria, Virginia, 2002. IEEE Computer Society. details

  8. John R. Koza and William Mydlowec and Guido Lanza and Jessen Yu and Martin A. Keane. Automatic Synthesis of Both the Topology and Sizing of Metabolic Pathways using Genetic Programming. In Lee Spector and Erik D. Goodman and Annie Wu and W. B. Langdon and Hans-Michael Voigt and Mitsuo Gen and Sandip Sen and Marco Dorigo and Shahram Pezeshk and Max H. Garzon and Edmund Burke editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2001), pages 57-65, San Francisco, California, USA, 2001. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  9. J. R. Koza and W. Mydlowec and G. Lanza and J. Yu and M. A. Keane. Reverse Engineering of Metabolic Pathways from Observed Data Using Genetic Programming. In Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 6, pages 434-445, Hawaii, 2001. World Scientific press. details

  10. John R. Koza and Forrest H Bennett III and David Andre and Martin A. Keane. Genetic Programming: Biologically Inspired Computation that Creatively Solves Non-Trivial Problems. In Laura F. Landweber and Erik Winfree editors, Evolution as Computation, DIMACS Workshop, Princeton, January 1999, pages 95-124, Princeton University, 2001. Springer-Verlag. details

  11. John R. Koza and Jessen Yu and Martin A. Keane and William Mydlowec. Evolution of a Controller with a Free Variable using Genetic Programming. In Riccardo Poli and Wolfgang Banzhaf and William B. Langdon and Julian F. Miller and Peter Nordin and Terence C. Fogarty editors, Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'2000, volume 1802, pages 91-105, Edinburgh, 2000. Springer-Verlag. details

  12. John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane and Jessen Yu and William Mydlowec and Forrest H Bennett III. Automatic Synthesis of Both the Topology and Parameters for a Three-Lag Plant with a five-Second Delay Using Genetic Programming. In Stefano Cagnoni and Riccardo Poli and George D. Smith and David Corne and Martin Oates and Emma Hart and Pier Luca Lanzi and Egbert Jan Willem and Yun Li and Ben Paechter and Terence C. Fogarty editors, Real-World Applications of Evolutionary Computing, volume 1803, pages 168-177, Edinburgh, 2000. Springer-Verlag. details

  13. John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane and Jessen Yu and William Mydlowec and Forrest H Bennett III. Automatic synthesis of both the control law and parameters for a controller for a three-lagplant with five-second delay using genetic programming and simulation techniques. In Proceedings of the 2000 American Control Conference, pages 453-459, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2000. details

  14. John R. Koza and William Mydlowec and Guido Lanza and Jessen Yu and Martin A. Keane. Reverse engineering of metabolic pathways from observed data by means of genetic programming. In First International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Tokyo, 2000. details

  15. John R. Koza and Jessen Yu and Martin A. Keane and William Mydlowec. Use of conditional developmental operators and free variables in automatically synthesizing generalized circuits using genetic programming. In Proceedings of the Second NASA / DoD Workshop on Evolvable Hardware, pages 5-15, Palo Alto, California, 2000. details

  16. John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane and Jessen Yu and William Mydlowec. Automatic Synthesis of Electrical Circuits Containing a Free Variable using Genetic Programming. In Darrell Whitley and David Goldberg and Erick Cantu-Paz and Lee Spector and Ian Parmee and Hans-Georg Beyer editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2000), pages 477-484, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2000. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  17. Martin A. Keane and Jessen Yu and John R. Koza. Automatic Synthesis of Both Topology and Tuning of a Common Parameterized Controller for Two Families of Plants using Genetic Programming. In Darrell Whitley and David Goldberg and Erick Cantu-Paz and Lee Spector and Ian Parmee and Hans-Georg Beyer editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2000), pages 496-504, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2000. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  18. Jessen Yu and Martin A. Keane and John R. Koza. Automatic design of both topology and tuning of a common parameterized controller for two families of plants using genetic programming. In Proceedings of Eleventh IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Aided Control SystemDesign (CACSD) Conference and Ninth IEEE International Conference on Control Applications(CCA) Conference, pages CACSD-234-242, Anchorage, Alaska, 2000. details

  19. John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane and Forrest H Bennett III and Jessen Yu and William Mydlowec and Oscar Stiffelman. Searching for the Impossible using Genetic Programming. In Wolfgang Banzhaf and Jason Daida and Agoston E. Eiben and Max H. Garzon and Vasant Honavar and Mark Jakiela and Robert E. Smith editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, volume 2, pages 1083-1091, Orlando, Florida, USA, 1999. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  20. John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane and Forrest H Bennett III and Jessen Yu and William Mydlowec and Oscar Stiffelman. Automatic creation of both the topology and parameters for a robust controller by means of genetic programming. In Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Intelligent Systems, and Semiotics, pages 344-352, 1999. details

  21. John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane and Jessen Yu and Forrest H Bennett III and William Mydlowec and Oscar Stiffelman. Automatic synthesis of both the topology and parameters for a robust controller for a non-minimal phase plant and a three-lag plant by means of genetic programming. In Proceedings of 1999 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 5292-5300, 1999. details

  22. J. R. Koza and F. Bennett and D. Andre and M. A. Keane. Genetic Programming: Turing's Third Way to Achieve Machine Intelligence. In Kaisa Miettinen and Marko M. Makela and Pekka Neittaanmaki and Jacques Periaux editors, Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering and Computer Science, pages 185-197, Jyvaskyla, Finland, 1999. John Wiley \& Sons. details

  23. Forrest H Bennett III and John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane and David Andre. Darwinian Programming and Engineering Design using Genetic Programming. In Conor Ryan and Jim Buckley editors, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Soft Computing Applied to Software Engineering, pages 31-40, University of Limerick, Ireland, 1999. Limerick University Press. details

  24. Forrest H Bennett III and John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane and Jessen Yu and William Mydlowec and Oscar Stiffelman. Evolution by Means of Genetic Programming of Analog Circuits that Perform Digital Functions. In Wolfgang Banzhaf and Jason Daida and Agoston E. Eiben and Max H. Garzon and Vasant Honavar and Mark Jakiela and Robert E. Smith editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, volume 2, pages 1477-1483, Orlando, Florida, USA, 1999. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  25. Forrest H Bennett III and John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane and David Andre. Genetic programming: Biologically inspired computation that exhibits creativity in solving non-trivial problems. In Proceedings of the AISB'99 Symposium on Scientific Creativity, pages 29-38, Edingburgh, 1999. details

  26. Forrest H Bennett III and Martin A. Keane and David Andre and John R. Koza. Automatic Synthesis of the Topology and Sizing for Analog Electrical Circuits Using Genetic Programming. In Kaisa Miettinen and Marko M. Makela and Pekka Neittaanmaki and Jacques Periaux editors, Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering and Computer Science, pages 199-229, Jyvaskyla, Finland, 1999. John Wiley \& Sons. details

  27. John R. Koza and Forrest H Bennett III and Jeffrey L. Hutchings and Stephen L. Bade and Martin A. Keane and David Andre. Evolving Computer Programs using Rapidly Reconfigurable FPGAs and Genetic Programming. In Jason Cong editor, FPGA'98 Sixth International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, pages 209-219, Doubletree Hotel, Monterey, California, USA, 1998. ACM Press. details

  28. John R. Koza and Forrest H Bennett III and David Andre and Martin A. Keane. Fourteen instances where genetic programming has produced results that are competitive with results produced by humans. In Takeshi Gomi editor, Evolutionary Robotics: From Intelligent Robots to Artificial Life (ER'98), pages 37-76, Kanata, Canada, 1998. AAI Press. details

  29. John R. Koza and Forrest H Bennett III and David Andre and Martin A. Keane. Automatic creation of computer programs for designing electrical circuits using genetic programming. In Witold Pedrycz and James F. Peters editors, Computational Intelligence in Software Engineering, volume 16, pages 127-150, Singapore, 1998. World Scientific. details

  30. John R. Koza and Forrest H Bennett III and David Andre and Martin A. Keane. Evolutionary Design of Analog Electrical Circuits using Genetic Programming. In Proceedings of Adaptive Computing in Design and Manufacture Conference, pages 177-192, Plymouth, England, 1998. Springer. details

  31. David Andre and Forrest H Bennett III and John Koza and Martin A. Keane. On the Theory of Designing Circuits using Genetic Programming and a Minimum of Domain Knowledge. In Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, pages 130-135, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 1998. IEEE Press. details

  32. John R. Koza and Forrest H Bennett III and Martin A. Keane and David Andre. Evolution of a Time-Optimal Fly-To Controller Circuit using Genetic Programming. In John R. Koza and Kalyanmoy Deb and Marco Dorigo and David B. Fogel and Max Garzon and Hitoshi Iba and Rick L. Riolo editors, Genetic Programming 1997: Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference, pages 207-212, Stanford University, CA, USA, 1997. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  33. John R. Koza and David Andre and Forrest H Bennett III and Martin A. Keane. Design of a high-gain operational amplifier and other circuits by means of genetic programming. In Peter J. Angeline and Robert G. Reynolds and John R. McDonnell and Russ Eberhart editors, Evolutionary Programming VI. 6th International Conference, EP97, volume 1213, pages 125-136, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, 1997. Springer-Verlag. details

  34. John R. Koza and Forrest H Bennett III and Jason Lohn and Frank Dunlap and Martin A. Keane and David Andre. Automated Synthesis of Computational Circuits Using Genetic Programming. In Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, pages 447-452, Indianapolis, 1997. IEEE Press. details

  35. John R. Koza and Forrest H Bennett III and Martin A. Keane and David Andre. Automatic programming of a time-optimal robot controller and an analog electrical circuit to implement the robot controller by means of genetic programming. In Proceedings of 1997 IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation, pages 340-346, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, 1997. Computer Society Press. details

  36. John R. Koza and Forrest H Bennett III and Jason Lohn and Frank Dunlap and Martin A. Keane and David Andre. Use of Architecture-Altering Operations to Dynamically Adapt a Three-Way Analog Source Identification Circuit to Accommodate a New Source. In John R. Koza and Kalyanmoy Deb and Marco Dorigo and David B. Fogel and Max Garzon and Hitoshi Iba and Rick L. Riolo editors, Genetic Programming 1997: Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference, pages 213-221, Stanford University, CA, USA, 1997. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  37. John R. Koza and Forrest H Bennett III and Jeffrey L. Hutchings and Stephen L. Bade and Martin A. Keane and David Andre. Evolving Sorting Networks using Genetic Programming and Rapidly Reconfigurable Field-Programmable Gate Arrays. In Tetsuya Higuchi editor, Workshop on Evolvable Systems. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 27-32, Nagoya, 1997. details

  38. John R. Koza and Forrest H Bennett III and Jeffrey L. Hutchings and Stephen L. Bade and Martin A. Keane and David Andre. Evolving sorting networks using genetic programming and the rapidly reconfigurable Xilinx 6216 field-programmable gate array. In Proceedings of the 31st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, volume 1, pages 404-410, Pacific Grove, CA , USA, 1997. IEEE Press. details

  39. John R. Koza and Forrest H Bennett III and David Andre and Martin A. Keane. Evolution Using Genetic Programming of a Low-Distortion 96 Decibel Operational Amplifier. In Barrett Bryant and Janice Carroll and Dave Oppenheim and Jim Hightower and K. M. George editors, Proceedings of the 1997 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pages 207-216, Hyatt Sainte Claire Hotel, San Jose, California, USA, 1997. details

  40. John R. Koza and Forrest H Bennett III and Jason Lohn and Frank Dunlap and Martin A. Keane and David Andre. Evolution of tri-state Frequency Discriminator for the Source Identification Problem using Genetic Programming. In Paul P. Wang editor, International Conference of Information Sciences, volume 1, pages 95-99, 1997. details

  41. John R. Koza and Forrest H Bennett III and Jeffrey L. Hutchings and Stephen L. Bade and Martin A. Keane and David Andre. Rapidly Reconfigurable Field-Programmable Gate Arrays for Accelerating Fitness Evaluation in Genetic Programming. In John R. Koza editor, Late Breaking Papers at the 1997 Genetic Programming Conference, pages 121-131, Stanford University, CA, USA, 1997. Stanford Bookstore. details

  42. John R. Koza and Forrest H Bennett III and David Andre and Martin A Keane. Reuse, parameterized reuse, and hierarchical reuse of substructures in evolving electrical circuits using genetic programming. In Tetsuya Higuchi and Iwata Masaya and Weixin Liu editors, Proceedings of International Conference on Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware (ICES-96), volume 1259, Tsukuba, Japan, 1996. Springer-Verlag. details

  43. John R. Koza and David Andre and Forrest H Bennett III and Martin A. Keane. Evolution of a Low-Distortion, Low-Bias 60 Decibel Op Amp with Good Frequency Generalization using Genetic Programming. In John R. Koza editor, Late Breaking Papers at the Genetic Programming 1996 Conference Stanford University July 28-31, 1996, pages 94-100, Stanford University, CA, USA, 1996. Stanford Bookstore. details

  44. John R. Koza and Forrest H Bennett III and David Andre and Martin A. Keane. Toward evolution of electronic animals using genetic programming. In Artificial Life V: Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, 1996. MIT Press. details

  45. John R. Koza and Forrest H Bennett III and David Andre and Martin A Keane. Automated design of both the topology and sizing of analog electrical circuits using genetic programming. In John S. Gero and Fay Sudweeks editors, Artificial Intelligence in Design '96, pages 151-170, Dordrecht, 1996. Kluwer Academic. details

  46. John R. Koza and Forrest H Bennett III and David Andre and Martin A. Keane. Automated WYWIWYG Design of Both the Topology and Component Values of Electrical Circuits Using Genetic Programming. In John R. Koza and David E. Goldberg and David B. Fogel and Rick L. Riolo editors, Genetic Programming 1996: Proceedings of the First Annual Conference, pages 123-131, Stanford University, CA, USA, 1996. MIT Press. details

  47. John R. Koza and David Andre and Forrest H Bennett III and Martin A. Keane. Use of Automatically Defined Functions and Architecture-Altering Operations in Automated Circuit Synthesis with Genetic Programming. In John R. Koza and David E. Goldberg and David B. Fogel and Rick L. Riolo editors, Genetic Programming 1996: Proceedings of the First Annual Conference, pages 132-149, Stanford University, CA, USA, 1996. MIT Press. details

  48. John R. Koza and David Andre and Forrest H Bennett III and Martin A. Keane. Design of a 96 Decibel operational amplifier and other problems for which a computer program evolved by genetic programming is competitive with human performance. In Mitsuo Gen and Weixuan Zu editors, Proceedings of l996 Japan-China Joint International Workshop on Information Systems, pages 30-49, Ashikaga, 1996. details

  49. John R. Koza and Forrest H Bennett III and David Andre and Martin A. Keane. Four problems for which a computer program evolved by genetic programming is competitive with human performance. In Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, volume 1, pages 1-10, 1996. IEEE Press. details

  50. Forrest H Bennett III and John R. Koza and David Andre and Martin A. Keane. Evolution of a 60 Decibel op amp using genetic programming. In Tetsuya Higuchi and Iwata Masaya and Weixin Liu editors, Proceedings of International Conference on Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware (ICES-96), volume 1259, Tsukuba, Japan, 1996. Springer-Verlag. details

  51. Martin A. Keane and John R. Koza and James P. Rice. Finding an impulse response function using genetic programming. In Proceedings of the 1993 American Control Conference, volume III, pages 2345-2350, Evanston, IL, USA, 1993. details

  52. John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane and James P. Rice. Performance improvement of machine learning via automatic discovery of facilitating functions as applied to a problem of symbolic system identification. In 1993 IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, volume I, pages 191-198, San Francisco, USA, 1993. IEEE. details

  53. John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane. Cart centering and broom balancing by genetically breeding populations of control strategy programs. In Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, volume I, pages 198-201, Washington, 1990. Lawrence Erlbaum. details

  54. John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane. Genetic breeding of non-linear optimal control strategies for broom balancing. In Alain Bensoussan and Jacques Louis Lions editors, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Analysis and Optimization of Systems. 1990, pages 47-56, Antibes, France, 1990. Springer-Verlag. details

Genetic Programming book chapters by Martin A Keane

  1. John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane and Matthew J. Streeter and Sameer H. Al-Sakran and Lee W. Jones. Human-Competitive Evolvable Hardware Created by Means of Genetic Programming. In Tetsuya Higuchi and Yong Liu and Xin Yao editors, Evolvable Hardware, number VIII? of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, chapter 10, pages 173-197. Springer, 2006. details

  2. John R. Koza and Martin A. Keane and Matthew J. Streeter. Human-Competitive Automated Engineering Design and Optimization By Means Of Genetic Programming. In William Annicchiarico and Jacques Periaux and Miguel Cerrolaza and Gabriel Winter editors, Evolutionary Algorithms And Intelligent Tools In Engineering Optimization. Wit Pr/Computational Mechanics, 2005. details

  3. John R. Koza and Lee W. Jones and Martin A. Keane and Matthew J. Streeter. Towards Industrial Strength Automated Design of Analog Electrical Circuits by Means of Genetic Programming. In Una-May O'Reilly and Tina Yu and Rick L. Riolo and Bill Worzel editors, Genetic Programming Theory and Practice II, chapter 8, pages 121-142. Springer, Ann Arbor, 2004. pages missing?. details

  4. John R. Koza and Matthew J. Streeter and Martin A. Keane. The Challenge of Producing Human-Competitive results by means of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation. In Anil Menon editor, Frontiers of Evolutionary Computation, volume 11 of Genetic Algorithms And Evolutionary Computation Series, chapter 9, pages 201-209. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, USA, 2004. details

  5. Matthew J. Streeter and Martin A. Keane and John R. Koza. Routine human-competitive Automatic Synthesis using genetic programming of both the topology and sizing for five post-2000 patented analog and mixed analog-digital circuits. In 2003 Southwest Symposium on Mixed-Signal Design, pages 5-10. IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2003. details

  6. John R. Koza and Matthew J. Streeter and Martin A. Keane. Routine Human-Competitive Machine Intelligence by Means of Genetic Programming. In Bruno Bosacchi and David B. Fogel and James C. Bezdek editors, Applications and Science of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Evolutionary Computation VI, volume 5200 of Proceedings of SPIE, pages 1-15. SPIE, San Diego, California, 2003. Keynote Address. details

  7. John R. Koza and Matthew J. Streeter and Martin A. Keane. Automated Synthesis by Means of Genetic Programming of Complex Structures Incorporating Reuse, Hierarchies, Development, and Parameterized Toplogies. In Rick L. Riolo and Bill Worzel editors, Genetic Programming Theory and Practice, chapter 14, pages 221-237. Kluwer, 2003. details

  8. John R. Koza and William Mydlowec and Guido Lanza and Jessen Yu and Martin A. Keane. Automated reverse engineering of metabolic pathways from observed data using genetic programming. In Hiroaki Kitano editor, Foundations of Systems Biology, pages 95-117. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2001. details

  9. John R. Koza and Forrest H Bennett III and David Andre and Martin A. Keane. Genetic Programming: Biologically Inspired Computation that Exhibits Creativity in Producing Human-Competitive Results. In Peter J. Bentley and David W. Corne editors, Creative Evolutionary Systems, chapter 10, pages 275-298. Morgan Kaufmann, 2001. details

  10. John R. Koza and Forrest H Bennett III and David Andre and Martin A. Keane. Automatic design of analog electrical circuits using genetic programming. In Hugh Cartwright editor, Intelligent Data Analysis in Science, chapter 8, pages 172-200. Oxford University Press, UK, 2000. details

  11. John Koza and Forrest H Bennett III and David Andre and Martin A. Keane. The Design of Analog Circuits by Means of Genetic Programming. In Peter Bentley editor, Evolutionary Design by Computers, chapter 16, pages 365-385. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, USA, 1999. details

Genetic Programming technical reports by Martin A Keane

Genetic Programming other entries for Martin A Keane