abstract = "System identification denotes the data driven
generation of mathematical models for systems; the
result of a system identification algorithm consists in
a mathematical description of the behaviour of the
analysed system. Evolutionary computation is a subfield
of computational intelligence that uses concepts
inspired by natural evolution; one of the most famous
evolutionary techniques is the genetic algorithm, a
global optimisation technique using aspects inspired by
evolutionary biology such as selection, recombination,
mutation and inheritance. This thesis concentrates on
evolutionary system identification techniques based on
genetic programming (GP), an extension of the genetic
algorithm: Mathematical expressions are produced by an
evolutionary process that uses the given measurement
data. The first part of this thesis describes
theoretical concepts used in this work as well as our
GP implementation for the HeuristicLab framework.
Concepts for monitoring population dynamics during the
execution of the GP process are also described; we here
concentrate on genetic diversity and genetic
propagation. The application of advanced selection
principles and optimization stages is also explained as
well as on-line and sliding window GP variants. The
second part of this thesis summarises the results of
system identification test series; the data sets used
here include dynamic measurement data of mechatronical
systems as well as classification benchmark problems.
The results of these tests demonstrate the ability of
this method to produce models of high quality for
different kinds of machine learning problems, and also
give insights into population dynamic processes that
occur during the execution of a GP process.",
notes = "Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Stephan Winkler, Studium der Informatik
und Doktoratsstudium an der JKU in Linz. Bis 2006
wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am LCM und am Institut
for Design und Regelung mechatronischer Systeme, danach
Anstellung im Rahmen des FWF Translational Research
Projekts L284 'GP-Based Techniques fort he Design
Virtual Sensors' an der FH Oeo, Campus Hagenberg. Ab
February 2009 Antritt einer Professur fuer
Bioinformatik an der FH Ooe.