Genetic Programming Bibliography entries for Yuri Lavinas

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GP coauthors/coeditors: Camilo De La Torre, Kevin Cortacero, Dennis G Wilson, Sylvain Cussat-Blanc, Claus de Castro Aranha, Tetsuya Sakurai, Marcelo Ladeira, Nathaniel Haut, William F Punch, Wolfgang Banzhaf,

Genetic Programming conference papers by Yuri Lavinas

  1. Yuri Lavinas and Nathaniel Haut and William Punch and Wolfgang Banzhaf and Sylvain Cussat-Blanc. Adaptive Sampling of Biomedical Images with Cartesian Genetic Programming. In Heike Trautmann and Tea Tusar and Penousal Machado and Thomas Baeck editors, 18th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg, Austria, 2024. Springer. details

  2. Yuri Lavinas. Interpretable genetic programming models for real-world biomedical data. In Wolfgang Banzhaf and Ting Hu and Alexander Lalejini and Stephan Winkler editors, Genetic Programming Theory and Practice XXI, University of Michigan, USA, 2024. details

  3. Camilo De La Torre and Yuri Lavinas and Kevin Cortacero and Dennis Wilson and Sylvain Cussat-Blanc. Multi-Modal Adaptive Graph Evolution for Program Synthesis. In Heike Trautmann and Tea Tusar and Penousal Machado and Thomas Baeck editors, 18th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg, Austria, 2024. Springer. details

  4. Yuri Lavinas and Kevin Cortacero and Sylvain Cussat-Blanc. Evolving Graphs with Cartesian Genetic Programming with Lexicase Selection. In Roman Kalkreuth and Thomas Baeck and Dennis G. Wilson and Paul Kaufmann and Leo Francoso Dal Piccol Sotto and Timothy Aktinson editors, Graph-based Genetic Programming, pages 1920-1924, Lisbon, Portugal, 2023. Association for Computing Machinery. details

  5. Yuri Lavinas and Claus Aranha and Tetsuya Sakurai and Marcelo Ladeira. Experimental Analysis of the Tournament Size on Genetic Algorithms. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), pages 3647-3653, 2018. details