Genetic Programming Bibliography entries for Colin G Johnson

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GP coauthors/coeditors: Adesola Noah Adegboye, Michael Kampouridis, Lawrence Beadle, Tom Castle, Philip T Cattani, Pei He, HouFeng Wang, Li-Shan Kang, Shi Ying, Krzysztof Krawiec, Alberto Moraglio, Michael O'Neill, John R Woodward, Claris Leroux, Fernando Esteban Barril Otero, Simon Thompson, Alex Alves Freitas, Simon J Thompson, Can Ozturkeri, Gisele L Pappa, Anabela Simoes, Dirk Sudholt, William B Langdon, David Robert White, Justyna Petke, Frank William Moore, Nur Zincir-Heywood, Jose Santos Reyes, Julia Handl, Amarda Shehu, David Walker, Richard Everson, Jonathan E Fieldsend, Karthik Kuber, Masaya Nakata, Kamran Shafi, Daniel R Tauritz, Manuel Lopez-Ibanez, Stefan Wagner, Michael Affenzeller, Youhei Akimoto, Anne Auger, Dimo Brockhoff, Nikolaus Hansen, Olaf Mersmann, Petr Posik, Tea Tusar, Boris Naujoks, Abraham Prieto, Nicolas Bredeche, Evert Haasdijk, Chris Simons, Jerry Swan, James Smith, Stephen L Smith, Stefano Cagnoni, Robert M Patton, Loic Vaseux, Alexander E I Brownlee,

Genetic Programming Articles by Colin G Johnson

  1. Colin G. Johnson. New Directions in fitness evaluation: commentary on Langdon's JAWS30. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 24(2):Article number: 22, 2023. Special Issue: Thirtieth Anniversary of Genetic Programming: On the Programming of Computers by Means of Natural Selection. details

  2. Colin G. Johnson. Solving the Rubik's cube with stepwise deep learning. Expert Systems: The Journal of Knowledge Engineering, 38(3) 2021. details

  3. Colin G. Johnson. Fitness in evolutionary art and music: a taxonomy and future prospects. International Journal of Arts and Technology, 9(1):4-25, 2016. details

  4. Can Ozturkeri and Colin G. Johnson. Self-repair ability of evolved self-assembling systems in cellular automata. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 15(3):313-341, 2014. details

  5. Pei He and Lishan Kang and Colin G. Johnson and Shi Ying. Hoare logic-based genetic programming. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 54(3):623-637, 2011. details

  6. Pei He and Colin G. Johnson and HouFeng Wang. Modeling grammatical evolution by automaton. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 54(12):2544-2553, 2011. details

  7. Can Ozturkeri and Colin G. Johnson. Evolution of Self-Assembling Patterns in Cellular Automata Using Development. Journal of Cellular Automata, 6(4-5):257-300, 2011. details

  8. Lawrence Beadle and Colin G. Johnson. Semantic Analysis of Program Initialisation in Genetic Programming. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 10(3):307-337, 2009. details

Genetic Programming Conference proceedings edited by Colin G Johnson

Genetic Programming conference papers by Colin G Johnson

  1. Adesola Adegboye and Michael Kampouridis and Colin G. Johnson. Regression genetic programming for estimating trend end in foreign exchange market. In 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), Honolulu, HI, USA, 2017. details

  2. John Woodward and Alexander Brownlee and Colin Johnson. Evals is not enough: why we should report wall-clock time. In Justyna Petke and David R. White and Westley Weimer editors, Genetic Improvement 2016 Workshop, pages 1157-1158, Denver, 2016. ACM. details

  3. John Woodward and Colin Johnson and Alexander Brownlee. GP vs GI: if you can't beat them, join them. In Justyna Petke and David R. White and Westley Weimer editors, Genetic Improvement 2016 Workshop, pages 1155-1156, Denver, 2016. ACM. details

  4. John R. Woodward and Colin G. Johnson and Alexander E. I. Brownlee. Connecting Automatic Parameter Tuning, Genetic Programming as a Hyper-heuristic, and Genetic Improvement Programming. In GECCO '16 Companion: Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2016 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, pages 1357-1358, Denver, Colorado, USA, 2016. ACM. details

  5. Colin G. Johnson and John R. Woodward. Fitness as Task-relevant Information Accumulation. In William B. Langdon and Justyna Petke and David R. White editors, Genetic Improvement 2015 Workshop, pages 855-856, Madrid, 2015. ACM. details

  6. Claris Leroux and Fernando E. B. Otero and Colin G. Johnson. A genetic programming problem definition language code generator for the epochX framework. In Stefan Wagner and Michael Affenzeller editors, GECCO 2014 Workshop on Evolutionary Computation Software Systems (EvoSoft), pages 1149-1154, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2014. ACM. details

  7. Colin G. Johnson and John R. Woodward. Information Theory, Fitness, and Sampling Semantics. In Colin Johnson and Krzysztof Krawiec and Alberto Moraglio and Michael O'Neill editors, Semantic Methods in Genetic Programming, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2014. Workshop at Parallel Problem Solving from Nature 2014 conference. details

  8. Fernando E. B. Otero and Colin G. Johnson. Automated Problem Decomposition for the Boolean Domain with Genetic Programming. In Krzysztof Krawiec and Alberto Moraglio and Ting Hu and A. Sima Uyar and Bin Hu editors, Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Genetic Programming, EuroGP 2013, volume 7831, pages 169-180, Vienna, Austria, 2013. Springer Verlag. details

  9. Loic Vaseux and Fernando E. B. Otero and Tom Castle and Colin G. Johnson. Event-based graphical monitoring in the EpochX genetic programming framework. In Christian Blum and Enrique Alba and Thomas Bartz-Beielstein and Daniele Loiacono and Francisco Luna and Joern Mehnen and Gabriela Ochoa and Mike Preuss and Emilia Tantar and Leonardo Vanneschi and Kent McClymont and Ed Keedwell and Emma Hart and Kevin Sim and Steven Gustafson and Ekaterina Vladislavleva and Anne Auger and Bernd Bischl and Dimo Brockhoff and Nikolaus Hansen and Olaf Mersmann and Petr Posik and Heike Trautmann and Muhammad Iqbal and Kamran Shafi and Ryan Urbanowicz and Stefan Wagner and Michael Affenzeller and David Walker and Richard Everson and Jonathan Fieldsend and Forrest Stonedahl and William Rand and Stephen L. Smith and Stefano Cagnoni and Robert M. Patton and Gisele L. Pappa and John Woodward and Jerry Swan and Krzysztof Krawiec and Alexandru-Adrian Tantar and Peter A. N. Bosman and Miguel Vega-Rodriguez and Jose M. Chaves-Gonzalez and David L. Gonzalez-Alvarez and Sergio Santander-Jimenez and Lee Spector and Maarten Keijzer and Kenneth Holladay and Tea Tusar and Boris Naujoks editors, GECCO '13 Companion: Proceeding of the fifteenth annual conference companion on Genetic and evolutionary computation conference companion, pages 1309-1316, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2013. ACM. details

  10. Alberto Moraglio and Krzysztof Krawiec and Colin G. Johnson. Geometric Semantic Genetic Programming. In Carlos A. Coello Coello and Vincenzo Cutello and Kalyanmoy Deb and Stephanie Forrest and Giuseppe Nicosia and Mario Pavone editors, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, PPSN XII (part 1), volume 7491, pages 21-31, Taormina, Italy, 2012. Springer. details

  11. Tom Castle and Colin G. Johnson. Evolving High-Level Imperative Program Trees with Strongly Formed Genetic Programming. In Alberto Moraglio and Sara Silva and Krzysztof Krawiec and Penousal Machado and Carlos Cotta editors, Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Genetic Programming, EuroGP 2012, volume 7244, pages 1-12, Malaga, Spain, 2012. Springer Verlag. details

  12. Fernando E. B. Otero and Tom Castle and Colin G. Johnson. EpochX: Genetic Programming in Java with Statistics and Event Monitoring. In Stefan Wagner and Michael Affenzeller editors, GECCO 2012 Evolutionary Computation Software Systems (EvoSoft), pages 93-100, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 2012. ACM. details

  13. Alberto Moraglio and Fernando Otero and Colin Johnson and Simon Thompson and Alex Freitas. Evolving Recursive Programs using Non-recursive Scaffolding. In Xiaodong Li editor, Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pages 2242-2249, Brisbane, Australia, 2012. details

  14. Tom Castle and Colin G. Johnson. Evolving Program Trees with Limited Scope Variable Declarations. In Xiaodong Li editor, Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pages 2250-2257, Brisbane, Australia, 2012. IEEE Press. details

  15. Alberto Moraglio and Krzysztof Krawiec and Colin Johnson. Geometric Semantic Genetic Programming. In Christian Igel and Per Kristian Lehre and Carsten Witt editors, The 5th workshop on Theory of Randomized Search Heuristics, ThRaSH'2011, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2011. details

  16. Fernando E. B. Otero and Colin G. Johnson and Alex A. Freitas and Simon J. Thompson. Refactoring in Automatically Generated Programs. In Massimiliano Di Penta and Simon Poulding and Lionel Briand and John Clark editors, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering (SSBSE '10), Benevento, Italy, 2010. Fast abstract. details

  17. Phil T. Cattani and Colin G. Johnson. ME-CGP: Multi Expression Cartesian Genetic Programming. In IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2010), Barcelona, Spain, 2010. IEEE Press. details

  18. Tom Castle and Colin G. Johnson. Positional Effect of Crossover and Mutation in Grammatical Evolution. In Anna Isabel Esparcia-Alcazar and Aniko Ekart and Sara Silva and Stephen Dignum and A. Sima Uyar editors, Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Genetic Programming, EuroGP 2010, volume 6021, pages 26-37, Istanbul, 2010. Springer. details

  19. Colin Johnson. Genetic Programming Crossover: Does it Cross Over?. In Leonardo Vanneschi and Steven Gustafson and Alberto Moraglio and Ivanoe De Falco and Marc Ebner editors, Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Genetic Programming, EuroGP 2009, volume 5481, pages 97-108, Tuebingen, 2009. Springer. details

  20. Phil T. Cattani and Colin G. Johnson. Typed Cartesian Genetic Programming for Image Classification. In UK workshop on Computational Intelligence, Nottingham, 2009. details

  21. Lawrence Beadle and Colin G Johnson. Semantically Driven Mutation in Genetic Programming. In Andy Tyrrell editor, 2009 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pages 1336-1342, Trondheim, Norway, 2009. IEEE Press. details

  22. Lawrence Beadle and Colin Johnson. Semantically Driven Crossover in Genetic Programming. In Jun Wang editor, Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, pages 111-116, Hong Kong, 2008. IEEE Press. details

  23. Colin Johnson. Genetic Programming with Fitness based on Model Checking. In Marc Ebner and Michael O'Neill and Anik\'o Ek\'art and Leonardo Vanneschi and Anna Isabel Esparcia-Alc\'azar editors, Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Genetic Programming, volume 4445, pages 114-124, Valencia, Spain, 2007. Springer. details

  24. Colin G. Johnson. Artificial Immune System Programming for Symbolic Regression. In Conor Ryan and Terence Soule and Maarten Keijzer and Edward Tsang and Riccardo Poli and Ernesto Costa editors, Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'2003, volume 2610, pages 345-353, Essex, 2003. Springer-Verlag. details

  25. Colin G. Johnson. Deriving genetic programming fitness properties by static analysis. In James A. Foster and Evelyne Lutton and Julian Miller and Conor Ryan and Andrea G. B. Tettamanzi editors, Genetic Programming, Proceedings of the 5th European Conference, EuroGP 2002, volume 2278, pages 298-307, Kinsale, Ireland, 2002. Springer-Verlag. details

  26. Colin G. Johnson. Genetic Programming with Guaranteed Constraints. In Ahmad Lotfi and Jon Garibaldi and Robert John editors, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Soft Computing, pages 134-140, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2002. The Nottingham Trent University. details

  27. Colin G. Johnson. What Can Automatic Programming Learn from Theoretical Computer Science?. In Xin Yao editor, The 2002 U.K. Workshop on Computational Intelligence (UKCI'02), Birmingham, U.K., 2002. details