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Search-Based Software Engineering: Papers


Finding Safety Errors with ACO (Page 1066)
E. Alba (Universidad de Málaga)
F. Chicano (Universidad de Málaga)

Automatic Mutation Test Input Data Generation via Ant Colony (Page 1074)
K. Ayari (École Polytechnique de Montréal)
S. Bouktif (École Polytechnique de Montréal)
G. Antoniol (École Polytechnique de Montréal)

One-Test-at-a-Time Heuristic Search for Interaction Test Suites (Page 1082)
R. C. Bryce (University of Nevada at Las Vegas)
C. J. Colbourn (Arizona State University)

Search-based Testing of Service Level Agreements (Page 1090)
M. Di Penta (University of Sannio)
G. Canfora (University of Sannio)
G. Esposito (University of Sannio)
V. Mazza (University of Sannio)
M. Bruno (University of Sannio)

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A Multi-Objective Approach to Search-Based Test Data Generation (Page 1098)
M. Harman (King's College London)
K. Lakhotia (King's College London)
P. McMinn (University of Sheffield)

Pareto Optimal Search Based Refactoring at the Design Level (Page 1106)
M. Harman (King's College London)
L. Tratt (King's College London)

Getting the Most from Search-Based Refactoring (Page 1114)
M. O'Keeffe (University College Dublin)
M. O. Cinneide (University College Dublin)

Applying Particle Swarm Optimization to Software Testing (Page 1121)
A. Windisch (DaimlerChrysler AG)
S. Wappler (Technica University of Berlin)
J. Wegener (DaimlerChrysler AG)

The Multi-Objective Next Release Problem (Page 1129)
Y. Zhang (King's College London)
M. Harman (King's College London)
S. A. Mansouri (King's College London)

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Search-Based Software Engineering: Posters

Generalized Extremal Optimization: An Attractive Alternative for Test Data Generation (Page 1138)
B. T. de Abreu (UNICAMP)
E. Martins (UNICAMP)
F. L. de Sousa (National Institute for Space Research)

Optimizing the V&V Process for Critical Systems (Page 1139)
J. D. Kiper (Miami University)
M. S. Feather (California Institute of Technology)
J. Richardson (Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science)

Investigating Data-Flow Coverage of Classes Using Evolutionary Algorithms (Page 1140)
K. Liaskos (University of Strathclyde)
M. Roper (University of Strathclyde)
M. Wood (University of Strathclyde)

Fitness Calculation Approach for Nested If-Else Construct in Evolutionary Testing (Page 1141)
X. Liu (Xidian University)
L. Wang (Xidian University)
X. Zhu (Xidian University)
Z. Bai (Xidian University)
M. Zhang (Xidian University)
H. Liu (Xidian University)