Author Index

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Table of Contents

Reviewed Papers Editor-in-Chief: Dirk Thierens

Ant Colony Optimization, Swarm Intelligence, and Artificial Immune Systems Papers and Posters

Artificial Life, Evolutionary Robotics, Adaptive Behavior, Evolvable Hardware Papers and Posters

Biological Applications Papers and Posters

Coevolution Papers and Posters

Estimation of Distribution Algorithms Papers and Posters

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Evolution Strategies, Evolutionary Programming Papers and Posters

Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Papers and Posters

Formal Theory Papers and Posters

Generative and Developmental Systems Papers and Posters

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Search-Based Software Engineering Papers and Posters

Genetic Algorithms Papers and Posters

Genetic Programming Papers and Posters

Genetics-Based Machine Learning Papers and Posters

Real-World Applications Papers and Posters

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Late-Breaking Papers
Chair: Peter A. N. Bosman

Workshop Papers
Chair: Tina Yu

Tutorial Presentations
Chair: Anikó Ekárt