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Biological Applications: Papers


Automated Alphabet Reduction Method with Evolutionary Algorithms for Protein Structure Prediction (Page 346)
J. Bacardit (University of Nottingham)
M. Stout (University of Nottingham)
J. D. Hirst (University of Nottingham)
K. Sastry (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
X. Llor (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
N. Krasnogor (University of Nottingham)

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Discrimination of Metabolic Flux Profiles Using a Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm (Page 354)
S. Bleuler (ETH Zurich)
E. Zitzler (ETH Zurich)

Parsimonious Regularization using Genetic Algorithms Applied to the Analysis of Analytical Ultracentrifugation Experiments (Page 361)
E. H. Brookes (University of Texas at San Antonio)
B. Demeler (University of Texas Health Science Center)

Initial Results from the use of Learning Classifier Systems to Control In Vitro Neuronal Networks (Page 369)
L. Bull (University of the West of England)
I. S. Uroukov (University of the West of England)

TFBS Identification by Position- and Consensus-led Genetic Algorithm with Local Filtering (Page 377)
T.-M. Chan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
K.-S. Leung (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
K.-H. Lee (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

A Multi-Objective Approach to Discover Biclusters in Microarray Data (Page 385)
F. Divina (Pablo de Olavide University)
J. S. Aguilar-Ruiz (Pablo de Olavide University)

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A Novel Ab-initio Genetic-Based Approach for Protein Folding Prediction (Page 393)
S. R. Duarte (Universitŕ Nacional de Colombia)
D. C. Becerra (Universitŕ Nacional de Colombia)
F. Nino (Universitŕ Nacional de Colombia)
Y. J. Pinzón (Universitŕ Nacional de Colombia)

Evolutionary Selection of Minimum Number of Features for Classification of Gene Expression Data Using Genetic Algorithms (Page 401)
A. Küçükural (Sabancι University)
R. Yeniterzi (Sabancι University)
S. Yeniterzi (Sabancι University)
O. U. Sezerman (Sabancι University)

Clustering Gene Expression Data via Mining Ensembles of Classification Rules Evolved Using MOSES (Page 407)
M. Looks (Washington University)
B. Goertzel (Biomind LLC)
L. de Souza Coelho (Biomind LLC)
M. Mudado (Biomind LLC)
C. Pennachin (Biomind LLC)

A Platform for the Selection of Genes in DNA Microarray Data using Evolutionary Algorithms (Page 415)
M. Rocha (Universidade do Minho)
R. Mendes (Universidade do Minho)
P. Maia (Universidade do Minho)
D. Glez-Peńa (Universidade do Minho)
F. Fdez-Riverola (Universidade do Minho)

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Biological Applications: Posters

Ab Initio Protein Structure Prediction with a Dipeptide-assembly Evolutionary Algorithm (Page 424)
A. Bazzoli (University of Milan)
G. Colombo (Istituto di Chimica del Riconoscimento Molecolare)
A. G. B. Tettamanzi (University of Milan)

Evolutionary Approach to Protein Structure Prediction with Hydrophobic Interactions (Page 425)
T. W. de Lima (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences)
P. H. R. Gabriel (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences)
A. C. B. Delbem (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences)
R. A. Faccioli (Sao Carlos Engineering School)
I. N. da Silva (Sao Carlos Engineering School)

Hebbian Learning by a Simple Gene Circuit (Page 426)
C. Fernando (University of Birmingham)
J. Rowe (University of Birmingham)

A Comparison of PSO and GA Approaches for Gene Selection and Classification of Microarray Data (Page 427)
J. García-Nieto (University of Málaga)
E. Alba (University of Málaga)
L. Jourdan (LIFL-INRIA Futurs)
E.-G. Talbi (LIFL-INRIA Futurs)

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Gene Finding and Rule Discovery With a Multi-Objective Neural-Genetic Hybrid (Page 428)
E. Keedwell (University of Exeter)
A. Narayanan (University of Portsmouth)

Using DNA to Generate 3D Organic Art Forms (Page 429)
W. Latham (University of London)
M. Shaw (University of London)
S. Todd (University of London)
F. F. Leymarie (University of London)

Understanding Microarray Data through Applying Competent Program Evolution (Page 430)
M. Looks (Washington University)
B. Goertzel (Biomind LLC)
L. de Souza Coelho (Biomind LLC)
M. Mudado (Biomind LLC)
C. Pennachin (Biomind LLC)

Induction of Fuzzy Rules with Artificial Immune Systems in a CGH based ER Status Breast Cancer Characterization (Page 431)
F. Menolascina (National Cancer Institute & Polytechnic of Bari)
P. Chiarappa (National Cancer Institute)
S. Tommasi (National Cancer Institute)
A. Paradiso (National Cancer Institute)
R. T. Alves (Federal University of Technology of Paraná)
M. Delgado (Federal University of Technology of Paraná)
A. Freitas (University of Kent)
V. Bevilacqua (Polytechnic of Bari)
G. Mastronardi (Polytechnic of Bari)

Towards Human-Human-Computer Interaction for Biologically-Inspired Problem-Solving in Human Genetics (Page 432)
J. H. Moore (Dartmouth College)
N. Barney (Dartmouth College)
B. C. White (Dartmouth College)