Table of Contents Genetic Algorithms: Papers |
Posters |
The Defined Cliffs Variant in Dynamic Environments: A Case Study Using the Shaky Ladder Hyperplane-Defined Functions (Page 1158) Learning and Anticipation in Online Dynamic Optimization with Evolutionary Algorithms: The Stochastic Case (Page 1165) |
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GARS: An Improved Genetic Algorithm with Reserve Selection for Global Optimization (Page 1173) Nonlinearity Linkage Detection for Financial Times Series Analysis (Page 1179) Self-Adaptive Simulated Binary Crossover for Real-Parameter Optimization (Page 1187) Improving Global Numerical Optimization using a Search-space Reduction Algorithm (Page 1195) Adjacency List Matchings — An Ideal Genotype for Cycle Covers (Page 1203) Genetic Algorithms for Large Join Query Optimization (Page 1211) |
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Rigorous Analyses of Simple Diversity Mechanisms (Page 1219) A Memetic Algorithm for the Low Autocorrelation Binary Sequence Problem (Page 1226) Analyzing the Effects of Module Encapsulation on Search Space Bias (Page 1234) Genetic Multi-Step Search in Interpolation and Extrapolation Domain (Page 1242) A Self-adaptive Multiagent Evolutionary Algorithm for Electrical Machine Design (Page 1250) Overcoming Hierarchical Difficulty by Hill-Climbing the Building Block Structure (Page 1256) A Chain-Model Genetic Algorithm for Bayesian Network Structure Learning (Page 1264) |
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A Doubly Distributed Genetic Algorithm for Network Coding (Page 1272) Learning Building Block Structure from Crossover Failure (Page 1280) A Study on Metamodeling Techniques, Ensembles, and Multi-Surrogates in Evolutionary Computation (Page 1288) A New Evolutionary Model for Detecting Multiple Optima (Page 1296) Center of Mass Encoding: A Self-Adaptive Representation with Adjustable Redundancy for Real-Valued Parameters (Page 1304) Variable Discrimination of Crossover Versus Mutation Using Parameterized Modular Structure (Page 1312) Some Novel Locality Results for the Blob Code Spanning Tree Representation (Page 1320) |
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A Gestalt Genetic Algorithm: Less details for better search (Page 1328) Fitness-Proportional Negative Slope Coefficient as a Hardness Measure for Genetic Algorithms (Page 1335) Finding Critical Backbone Structures with Genetic Algorithms (Page 1343) Hardware Acceleration of Multi-deme Genetic Algorithm for the Application of DNA Codeword Searching (Page 1349) ExGA II: An Improved Exonic Genetic Algorithm for the Multiple Knapsack Problem (Page 1357) A Genetic Algorithm with Exon Shuffling Crossover for Hard Bin Packing Problems (Page 1365) A Genetic Algorithm for Privacy Preserving Combinatorial Optimization (Page 1372) Let's Get Ready to Rumble Redux: Crossover Versus Mutation Head to Head on Exponentially Scaled Problems (Page 1380) |
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Empirical Analysis of Ideal Recombination on Random Decomposable Problems (Page 1388) Analysis of Noisy Time-series Signals with GA Involving Viral Infection with Tropism (Page 1396) A Study of Mutational Robustness as the Product of Evolutionary Computation (Page 1404) Credit Assignment in Adaptive Memetic Algorithms (Page 1412) Disburdening the Species Conservation Evolutionary Algorithm of Arguing with Radii (Page 1420) Differential Evolution and Non-separability: Using selective pressure to focus search (Page 1428) On the Relativity in the Assessment of Blind Optimization Algorithms and the Problem-Algorithm Coevolution (Page 1436) Distribution Replacement: How survival of the worst can out perform survival of the fittest (Page 1444) A Building-Block Royal Road Where Crossover is Provably Essential (Page 1452) |
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Peer-to-Peer Evolutionary Algorithms with Adaptive Autononous Selection (Page 1460) Another Investigation on Tournament Selection: modelling and visualisation (Page 1468) Effects of Passenger's Arrival Distribution to Double-deck Elevator Group Supervisory Control Systems using Genetic Network Programming (Page 1476) Extended Probe Method for Linkage Discovery over High-cardinality Alphabets (Page 1484) Parallel Genetic Algorithm: Assessment of Performance in Multidimensional Scaling (Page 1492) |
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A Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm for the Dynamic Cell Formation Problem (Page 1502) Trading Rules on Stock Markets Using Genetic Network Programming with Sarsa Learning (Page 1503) On the Roles of Redundancy and Neutrality in Evolutionary Optimization: An Experimental Study (Page 1504) The Effects of Solution Density in the Search Space on Finding Spatially Robust Solutions (Page 1505) Autonomous Selection in Evolutionary Algorithms (Page 1506) |
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Generating Classification Trees for Small Disjuncts using Incremental Gas (Page 1507) How and Why a Bit-Wise Neutrality With and Without Locality Affects Evolutionary Search (Page 1508) Towards Understanding the Effects of Neutrality on the Sudoku Problem (Page 1509) Using Metaheuristic Algorithms Remotely via ROS (Page 1510) Collaborative Evolutionary Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization (Page 1511) Genetic Network Programming with Parallel Processing for Association Rule Mining in Large and Dense Databases (Page 1512) |
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Linear Selection (Page 1513) A Simple Genetic Algorithm for Reducible Complexity (Page 1514) Symbiotic Tabu Search (Page 1515) Adaptive Markov Recombination Genetic Engineering with Active Partial Solution Preservation (Page 1516) Efficient Priority Optimization in Complex Distributed Embedded Systems through Search Space Adaptation (Page 1517) A Comparison of GAs using Penalizing Infeasible Solutions and Repairing Infeasible Solutions on Restrictive Capacity Knapsack Problem (Page 1518) |
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Is the Island Model Fault Tolerant? (Page 1519) Overcoming Barriers by a Cluster-Moving Genetic Algorithm (Page 1520) A Genetic Algorithm for Coverage Problems (Page 1521) On Repair by Binary Interpolation: A Genetic Operator Having Offspring at a Constraint Transition (Page 1522) Self-Adaptive Partially Mapped Crossover (Page 1523) Niching Techniques: a Study on the Cluster Geometry Optimization Problem (Page 1524) Genetic Parameter Tuning for Reliable Segmentation of Colored Visual Tags (Page 1525) Who is the Best Connected EC Researcher? Centrality Analysis of the Complex Network of Authors in Evolutionary Computation (Page 1526) |
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Quality Time Tradeoff Operator for Designing Efficient Multi Level Genetic Algorithms (Page 1527) Why Your Mates Shouldn't Date (Page 1528) Analysis of Greedy Heuristics and Weight-Coded EAs for Multidimensional Knapsack Problems and Multi-Unit Combinatorial Auctions (Page 1529) VMEA: Studies on Replacing Strategies and Diversity in Dynamic Environments (Page 1530) Evolution of Non-Uniform Cellular Automata using a Genetic Algorithm: Diversity and Computation (Page 1531) Homogeneous Genetic Algorithms (Page 1532) Adopting Dynamic Operators in a Genetic Algorithm (Page 1533) An Improved Genetic Algorithm for Task Allocation in Distributed Embedded Systems (Page 1534) Multi-Parent Extension of Edge Recombination (Page 1535) |
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Efficiency Updates for the Restricted Growth Function GA for Grouping Problems (Page 1536) A Unified Model of Optimisation Problems (Page 1537) Reference Frame and Scale Invariant Real-parameter Genetic and Differential Evolution Algorithms (Page 1538) Geometric Crossovers for Real-code Representation (Page 1539) Matrix Interpretation of Generalized Embedded Landscape (Page 1540) |